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summer hare hunters

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i control numbers all year round only on fell/moorland if not the keeper has said he will either get someone else to do it or let the gun lads on ................. i dont hibernate in winter ................ the area i control is about 10k acres :thumbs:

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I would have more respect for them if they were honest about it and said" I dont give a f**k about seasons ,or fair slips, I just want to chase hares ,and the more I catch however they are caught,the

they can call themselves what they want, in me eyes and any real hunters their nothing but wankers, with shite dogs and have something to prove, over compensating for having a small cock i reckon.

no animal should hunted out of season, theirs just no need

should they stop and let them bred for next season.As they said on the irish hare topic hares are making a come back in some areas. Whats your views on this topic mostily for the irish lads.

you know the questions to ask its not fair to run a hair in summer and most people that do it dont have a dog that can run a good winter hare but what about the lads that have killed the hares in the snow this winter is that not as bad if not worse and a lot of lads have done it an braged about it my dogs killed 4 - 5 or 6 winter hares

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no animal should hunted out of season, theirs just no need

it is happening in england at this time and i have been told by mates getting worse in ireland by men who CALL them selves coursing lads what rubbish.



they can call themselves what they want, in me eyes and any real hunters their nothing but wankers, with shite dogs and have something to prove, over compensating for having a small cock i reckon.


Should be left alone to breed peace, i have a large cock

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Guest thebigdog

Most people hunt the hare in the summer its with pups 10 - 11 months old to get them few easy kills and its not there spots they go to but hot spots where there is loads hares but you not aloud on them.



too young at that age pal, even in the summer, would only be startin on rabbits at that age :thumbs:

Edited by thebigdog
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iv found a few spots near me thats got a fair few hares about them. nobody hunts them iv been tempted to slip the dogs on them on quiet nites after charlie but iv decided to stay away from them until sept them ill muzzle the dogs and give them a try :gunsmilie:

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Summer, winter season or no season hares should be left alone


If you dont like what i say grand, save yourself the time in posting back because i wont even read it


It still suprises how this site can allow the blaten posting of illegal ativities since not only the poster but the site hosting the posts can be prosecutded


Oh and this is thehunglife not the cousringlife before people complain about non dog men posting in this section

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should they stop and let them bred for next season.As they said on the irish hare topic hares are making a come back in some areas. Whats your views on this topic mostily for the irish lads.

is the milky doe club situated in north belfast :tongue2:

you know them are they the same 1s boasting about there dogs killing 7 out of 7 on here.

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