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if you could have any BoP to hunt with what would you have???


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  Berkutchi said:
Ok if you could hunt with any hawk/falcon etc which would it be and which quarry? :)



Have to be a pure finnish gos no other bird does anything for me i have no interest in longwings,pheasant and partride and duck being the quarry!

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I think if I was flying a male Gos it would have to be the Finnish type due to the added size, from a female point of view for flying I'm not interested in these bloody great 3lb plus females even though I have the choice here, Its "Big Boys and Little Girls" for me everytime where Hawks/Falcons are concerened, its game birds we fly down this way and the odd Rabbits so a German female or Finn x German female will do me fine, this year I'll be pulling a P/R Finn male out of the aviary which will suit all my needs, I also liked flying in the past a female Pere x Prairie at the black stuff, Just a quick pic of a nice finn male just gone in one of the breeding aviaries and a funny looking bloke with one of them long wingy things ;).........

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  ferreter_joe said:
Ive never done anything related to falconry but if i could i would have a golden eagle and hunt roe with it, that must be an amazing sight. Does anyone on here hunt deer with an eagle? Joe



I have taken two Muntjac deer by chance with my imprint male Goldie whilst hawking brown hares,both were taken in light hazel copice and he is already conditioned for them as i trained him with a full size Roe deer stuffed pelt lure,even on a non hawking day i fly him to this to keep him on the ball.


But to be honest the best quality sport is with him flying out the hood at brown hares for long coursing flights,IMHO a male golden is the best hare hawk and ive slipped him at hares 200meters away and had succsess but i havent done any waiting on with him due to my terraine.


Female Goldies and males do take fox/roe from the fist (& waiting on if youre lucky) but none show the agility or skill as with hare hawking. ;)

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  jasper65 said:
I think if I was flying a male Gos it would have to be the Finnish type due to the added size, from a female point of view for flying I'm not interested in these bloody great 3lb plus females even though I have the choice here, Its "Big Boys and Little Girls" for me everytime where Hawks/Falcons are concerened, its game birds we fly down this way and the odd Rabbits so a German female or Finn x German female will do me fine, this year I'll be pulling a P/R Finn male out of the aviary which will suit all my needs, I also liked flying in the past a female Pere x Prairie at the black stuff, Just a quick pic of a nice finn male just gone in one of the breeding aviaries and a funny looking bloke with one of them long wingy things ;).........



I know what you mean mate! ;) ,for partridge,pheasants i dont think a 2lb and a bit German girl is hard to beat or Finn male for myself, but i still like to see a big old Finnish girl on a fit January pheasant on a long flight. :yes:

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i used to have a imprint german male goshawk he was a stunning little thing he would take any thing that would come up in front of him.

he was a bit spoilt though he just used to scream for attention

but if i couldn't have a female goldie i think i would settle for a male gos again as long as i imprinted it myself i dont like other peoples shit.

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  SeanTheHawker said:
is that possible?


A guy Ron Digby used to fly a Musket at snipe many moons ago before my time, I have spoken to him about it in the past and it was surpriseing when he told me alot of the flight weren't all that spectacular! according to Ron alot was just simple rat hunt snatches out of the air on close slips, on the long slips that went up the Musket would pull out.


A had a creched Musket I called "The Henchman" :whistle: that I used to throw off at larks on the stuble, conditions needed to be right for some half decent flights, if it was windy forget it. this was much the same as the snipe! if the Larks tried to outfly the spar across the stubble thay was taken easily, if they went up much higher than a telegraph pole he pulled out and rung back down again, it was good fun but the limited amount of succesfull flights was all over pretty quick.


The little fella went into a breeding project with a female called "Alex" and produced alot of youngsters, I sold the pair about 4 years ago to a fairly well known breeder and I have since found out last year both birds are now dead :icon_eek: and he bred nothing from them, I wish I had kept them now, Just a quick pic of some being creched in the living room of one of our old houses, my missus used to love it with all the shit everywhere :whistle: , there another one a guy sent me in the area of his young spar! its funny how some pets look like their owners.....








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