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Moley. You've always spoken very respectfully of my shooting posts and I thank you for the compliments mate. But now I have some honest good and well-meant advice for you which will help you and your

sod it, time for my ten penneth worth. as far as i can tell, pianoman has always tried to give helpful advice to pretty much anybody, writing detailed, interesting and useful posts. mole, on the ot

Round and round we go......I have a Postie staying with me for a few days so rather than stay on here getting dizzy,im gonna stick some mail in her box.Sweet dreams.

No I hunt rabbits and scammers, what do you hunt, young girl's bicycle saddles? I have requested the account be closed to Ianb and Jasper 65. It seems that some of you on this forum are capable of reading but incapable of comprehension. I may be new back to the hunting scene but at least I do not have Massey Ferguson tattoed on my backside or my lips where it seems to be on yours. Stuff the weihrauch owning elite, I am happy to stay where I am, I thank people for their advice, not the acerbic, unbalanced dissection of my air rifle buying, in short go forth and multiply with yourself!

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  On 01/04/2011 at 00:21, andyfr1968 said:

Has your dummy been properly spat out or is there a chance of a re-gulp...?? :laugh:


FFS, man, take a chill pil and re-group tommorow :thumbs:





There is a time to post on forum and a time to PM, Pianoman was well out of order to post, should have PMed.. Simon What do you have to say for yourself.. The silence is deafening..


This was being purchased for me, not mole as a cheap rifle, until I was used to the HW100kt..


I have bought another..

Edited by Mrs Mole
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Impasse madam? Stuff the Weihrauch owning elite Moley? But...your wife has just bought...Oh dear. Oh deary dear.


I've just been out for the evening and I return to find this thread has stretched to seven pages of petulence and tantrums before bedtime. You have a very highly developed sense of self-contradiction and a very, very sensitive disposition here Moley. You have constantly sought for approval and compliment for every little action you perform, like an anxious schoolboy eager to be given a well done, pat on the head from his classmates and form master. And the moment anyone makes an unsolicited suggestion with the intention of giving you some well-meant advice, in the light of doing something rather silly, you see it as a critical and personal assault on your tastes and judgements. Then it's all pouty silly bloody "I'm going home and I'm taking my toys with me! Anyone who has tried to pour oil on your troubled waters has been rounded on. By both of you.



I didn't intentionally write anything in a manner of attacking you or was being intentionally savage and uncalled for in my post. I wrote upon that which I have honestly observed from you. I love the "Head-up-my-arse crack (pun intended) :laugh: . I love it when someone I've never met before, makes such a mighty arse of himself on an internet forum and shoots a line off like that.


As for my piano/keyboards playing, you brought up, all I can say is good enough to earn a living from. So yes you are right, I will be sticking to it. It affords me all the time and the money to indulge my shooting passions and support my wife and family. Where I come from mate, it's the man who supports his wife and family not the other way around as you seem happy to..


And there I was, wondering about how your shooting was coming along!


Well, I guess as long as Mary wears the business suit (with trousers) and goes to work, you'll be free to be whatever fantasy figure you want to be today. You can spend a bit more of her money if you like. She's mentioned it from time to time. Many a true word eh?!


What do you mean, you hunt scammers?


From your example so far, that sounds to me like calling yourself a Shark hunter by tying yourself to the bloody hook!


You've nearly had one take a good bite out of your arse, alledgedly, and you have to go pretending to be another party? What on Earth did you think that was going to accomplish? Oh, that must be because your last hunting expedition against a man you so accused, openly here, was going to sue your arses for defamation of character and Slander. Bless him, he meant of course Libel, but, the outcome was the same. You wisely shut up with your thread closed!


This is a shooting forum. For the shared benefits and points of view of fellow shooters alike. Not an extention of Which? Watchdog or Lorraine bloody kelly. If you are so concerned about internet scammers as you make out, talk to the police, report your findings where they will do some good, not wrap yourself up in your make-believe world of espionage and aliases, with second accounts on an air gun chat forum. Or haven't you got the bloody moral courage?


If you post your points of view, ideas and opinions here, you should expect others to respond in kind. That, is the whole point of these things! You may not agree with what they have to say, they may not agree with you, but that's what makes this forum and it's contributing members interesting. It's always taken in good heart and nothing derisory or belittling is infered or intended; certainly not from me. Bottom line, I only am interested in how you shoot and how you do it. I don't give a f*ck in Hell if you use a BSA, a Hatsan, Hatstand, Lampstand or a frigging Pygmy's blowpipe. It's what you can do with it that's the stuff.


If I wanted to be savage and uncalled for, I would have written thus and you would be left in no doubt, believe you me laddie, of what a bloody savage, uncalled-for stand-up summing-up reference reads like.




I have just re-read my original post to you. At no point have I been savage or used any un-called for vernacular that could have elicited such an outraged response from a level-headed, clear-minded person.


Maybe, if you'd been a bit more open and honest and pointed out your ailments a lot sooner before escalating this debacle, some of us here could have been a little more understanding and a little more helpful and taken you a little more seriously, for all the right reasons, than having to wade through posts of sheer bloody nonesense beginning with 'launching Stingray and OO status confirmed; about rifles called Marina, Tarzan and Ken. And virtually asking us to kiss your fingers in salutation because, at long bloody last, you finally bopped a rabbit or two.


I'm sorry you take well meaning advice and example in such a childish manner. I thought I was addressing a wiser man than I actually was and my content would appeal to his wisdom.


Clearly you do not like having the errors of your judgements pointed out to you with the best of intentions.


All the best with the new HW100. You Weihrauch elitists you! :tongue2::tongue2:



Edited by pianoman
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  On 01/04/2011 at 00:25, Mrs Mole said:
  On 01/04/2011 at 00:21, andyfr1968 said:

Has your dummy been properly spat out or is there a chance of a re-gulp...?? :laugh:


FFS, man, take a chill pil and re-group tommorow :thumbs:





There is a time to post on forum and a time to PM, Pianoman was well out of order to post, should have PMed.. Simon What do you have to say for yourself.. The silence is deafening..


This was being purchased for me, not mole as a cheap rifle, until I was used to the HW100kt..


I have bought another..


Well then, I guess you've got your reply.... :whistling:

Edited by andyfr1968
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  On 31/03/2011 at 22:19, andyfr1968 said:

I will never, not while I've still got a hole in my arse, understand this bloody inter-net thing :blink: It does my head in while at the same time it makes my day....


I look at words on my screen and I really do wonder what they mean to some folks. It's like a feckin' playground for the most part, 'he said, she said, ner-ner-na-ner-ner...'!!!


It's just one of those stupid situations where if everone was sitting around a table in the pub we'd all be having a giggle about it instead of reading personal stuff into what's being said.


I know I can sometimes come across as being a little harsh on here but I type as I speak and if you were sitting oposite me and could see my face, you'd maybe take my points in another way....


I know Simon personally and class him as a very good friend and I also know that if you'd have been face to face with the bloke, his words would've maybe come across very differently in the real world than they have done on here.


Just my very humble opinion, as always :thumbs:



Exactly Andy. :thumbs:

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