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Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s

I may be speaking out of turn here, im sure i'll be told if i am, but there seem to be a record number of idiots on here at the moment, mainly in the lurcher section. I love this site and have learnt

When this forum started quite a few years ago, it was nothing like it is now. Older members will remember the old Moocher/EDRD forum days. This forum was a good place, with good knowledgeable members,

sorry artic :icon_redface: lol :tongue2:

Jail for you Baw........... :whistling:


That a bhoy Lab, you take up the baton............ :tongue2:

Its the baton i'd be worried about..... :icon_redface:


Naaaa mate, he is shit with it, i've seen him..... canny even extend the f*****g thing........ :whistling:

That'll be an age thing then......... :whistling: GET BACK........GET BACK......NOTHING TOO SEE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:laugh: enough lol, before some c**t believes us..... everyone knows he is with the RSPCA........ :whistling:



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It amazes me why theres so many GUESTS coming on to this supposed to be HUNTING website, an click on a thread called (PROBLEM MEMBERS) Theres not a mention of hunting in the title to this thread yet so much attention. . :laugh::laugh:


Maybe thats the way forward for the website post complete an utter B*llocks an dont mention hunting it seems to work. :doh:

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when is it again

3 weeks or something....... :thumbs:


Aye right as if you don't care................ what you really men is its 2 weeks, 6 days, 19 hours, 45 minutes, 33,32,31...........seconds :tongue2:

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It amazes me why theres so many GUESTS coming on to this supposed to be HUNTING website, an click on a thread called (PROBLEM MEMBERS) Theres not a mention of hunting in the title to this thread yet so much attention. . :laugh::laugh:


Maybe thats the way forward for the website post complete an utter B*llocks an dont mention hunting it seems to work. :doh:





mmmm, pretty good. ALDI sell sense of humours... And pubs create conversation. And not all on the same topic. try it. :thumbs:

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It amazes me why theres so many GUESTS coming on to this supposed to be HUNTING website, an click on a thread called (PROBLEM MEMBERS) Theres not a mention of hunting in the title to this thread yet so much attention. . :laugh::laugh:


Maybe thats the way forward for the website post complete an utter B*llocks an dont mention hunting it seems to work. :doh:





mmmm, pretty good. ALDI sell sense of humours... And pubs create conversation. And not all on the same topic. try it. :thumbs:

Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s*it aswell. . :thumbs:

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It amazes me why theres so many GUESTS coming on to this supposed to be HUNTING website, an click on a thread called (PROBLEM MEMBERS) Theres not a mention of hunting in the title to this thread yet so much attention. . :laugh::laugh:


Maybe thats the way forward for the website post complete an utter B*llocks an dont mention hunting it seems to work. :doh:





mmmm, pretty good. ALDI sell sense of humours... And pubs create conversation. And not all on the same topic. try it. :thumbs:

Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s*it aswell. . :thumbs:




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there you go. exactly what was said earlier in this very post. someone calls or says something demeaning about someone, and they get there reputation clicked, lol...


Really is ridiculous. I know it wasnt shands fault, as his opinion is that i talk shit. Thats fair enough. :thumbs:


It will never change will it. And people will still not understand that there is a "general section" and hunting doesnt ever have to be mentioned.

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there you go. exactly what was said earlier in this very post. someone calls or says something demeaning about someone, and they get there reputation clicked, lol...


Really is ridiculous. I know it wasnt shands fault, as his opinion is that i talk shit. Thats fair enough. :thumbs:


It will never change will it. And people will still not understand that there is a "general section" and hunting doesnt ever have to be mentioned.

they cliked the +1 because they agree with what he posted. That is what it is there for isn't it.

Edited by buster 8789
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technically what is a "problem member"??

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.............my bunion is playing up?????.... :hmm:

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