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ideatation i dont no who the feck you are but i no who i am the only people to see good photos is invited guests ,mate got photos and genuine huntin poaching stories but wht give them out what for a dollar rather put my nail bag on or cast anet or set some lobster traps and well keep the stories for one to one with good pals accomplaces, never used to be like that i used to [bANNED TEXT] for earth dog running dog a few for other mags ,but dont need it and still livly so has to be how it is

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Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s

I may be speaking out of turn here, im sure i'll be told if i am, but there seem to be a record number of idiots on here at the moment, mainly in the lurcher section. I love this site and have learnt

When this forum started quite a few years ago, it was nothing like it is now. Older members will remember the old Moocher/EDRD forum days. This forum was a good place, with good knowledgeable members,

the good thing ideatation i am lucky to have met good dog men and real good dogs and had some and can invite you tomorow and take you on ajaunt with dogs on whatever and keep a standard to me thats a dog man

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Stewie, I would say the reason you a have been banned was nothing at all to do with John Keswick, but to do with you slagging the site off on a regular basis.


it depends how open minded as a person you are it could be looked at as slagging it off or it could be looked as constructive critisisym and we all know this site could be alot better just a thought :thumbs:


I know what you are saying, but some people are just born moaners, and I'm afraid this site is no longer a place for them. :victory: Falling out and piss taking is accepted, even encouraged :tongue2: , but those who are simply on here to voice constant negativity won't be on for long. Like i have said in an earlier post, you will notice a difference. We try to be fair and, indeed, i do try to send pm's rather than warnings. But sometimes you give 'em an inch, they take a yard.

Like i say, keep hitting the report button and i can assure you every report will be looked at. :thumbs:

Sometimes the best blooms come from the rose that has been pruned hard! :thumbs:


Varicose veins up t piles, need a new hip, riddled wi arhritus, teeth gone hair gone, mi minds goin, not t mention probs down below, eh. you will never cop me moaning

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i make money going to work and i have had some benfits of the comp but im not realy a comp guy as fishing and building work hunting is a million miles from a comp , and realy i have nothing in common with most ,there are money to be made got a building website but prefer word of mouth and seeing rather than just lisning over a comp



Of course hunting is a million miles from a computer :blink: All i'm saying is that for a guy thats never had a good word to say about this place, your on here every day, and have made almost 6000 posts. You enjoy it on here, or you wouldn't be on here, simple.


Your not the only hunter on here and your not tarzan or robinson crusoe, I think you have more in common with a lot of folk on here than you think Matthew.


And i'm not giving you a hard time mate, i quite enjoy your patter :thumbs: and in amongst the drivel and repetition are some real gems!

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maybe at times but i prefer to do my own thing and pick my own type always will no tarzan but had afew janes lol had several guys out from these sites and educated a good few but realy most beter left on the computer ,and pick the genuine reasl deals ,canrt be botherd with the puppy peddlar crew who bum dogs up then whall another litter or the ferret tonic gang , etc was brought into hunting ata young age and never get tired of it , but do with some of the questions ideas people have ,

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Everyone keeps going on about these GREAT members that used to be on here, would anyone like to share with me who these GREAT members where? This thread should have been finished after the opening post. Tyla started it the mods have said hit report when your not happy as far as am concerned that should be the end of the thread. Another thing is people sayin its mainly the lurcher section where the trouble starts, so people that dont like it DONT click on it. An if thats not enough why not just take the lurcher section OFF the site? (answer) because 99% of the members only come on this forum to read the workin dog section, so wouldnt be such a good idea now would it?


My opinion on this thread is STOP YOUR CRYING an BUM :tongue2: an get on with it.



ATB SHanded. . :thumbs:


I've had my say and I'll leave it at that. Some of the members im talking about are still on here but dont seem to post much anymore. If you want to know what i mean just have a look at the old pages. Oddly there were also alot from mods before they were mods, maybe it would be nice to see mods posting a bit more?

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i make money going to work and i have had some benfits of the comp but im not realy a comp guy as fishing and building work hunting is a million miles from a comp , and realy i have nothing in common with most ,there are money to be made got a building website but prefer word of mouth and seeing rather than just lisning over a comp



Of course hunting is a million miles from a computer :blink: All i'm saying is that for a guy thats never had a good word to say about this place, your on here every day, and have made almost 6000 posts. You enjoy it on here, or you wouldn't be on here, simple.


Your not the only hunter on here and your not tarzan or robinson crusoe, I think you have more in common with a lot of folk on here than you think Matthew.


And i'm not giving you a hard time mate, i quite enjoy your patter :thumbs: and in amongst the drivel and repetition are some real gems!

Go on whin put up a picture of your dog,I would genuinely like to see.Nothing illegal about that.
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maybe at times but i prefer to do my own thing and pick my own type always will no tarzan but had afew janes lol had several guys out from these sites and educated a good few but realy most beter left on the computer ,and pick the genuine reasl deals ,canrt be botherd with the puppy peddlar crew who bum dogs up then whall another litter or the ferret tonic gang , etc was brought into hunting ata young age and never get tired of it , but do with some of the questions ideas people have ,



:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: See that was good!

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maybe at times but i prefer to do my own thing and pick my own type always will no tarzan but had afew janes lol had several guys out from these sites and educated a good few but realy most beter left on the computer ,and pick the genuine reasl deals ,canrt be botherd with the puppy peddlar crew who bum dogs up then whall another litter or the ferret tonic gang , etc was brought into hunting ata young age and never get tired of it , but do with some of the questions ideas people have ,


Perhaps you should have gave the dogs a miss, the days that English lessons were on at school !! LOL !! :thumbs:



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weasel me old mate a mate put some pics up a while ago ,not into putting pics up on public forums but if you wany ille pm you an dyou can pm me wit your details ill maybe send you afew going take some shortly of my young guns as they say

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never lernt english gael scots with a east coast brougue charti ,and ye most of my times have been spent between beach and feilds to earn a cion , lucky were i was brought up , from sea to feild 300 yards so one minute your got a bag of fish next your in the feild chaseing some old hare ,great life

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never lernt english gael scots with a east coast brougue charti ,and ye most of my times have been spent between beach and feilds to earn a cion , lucky were i was brought up , from sea to feild 300 yards so one minute your got a bag of fish next your in the feild chaseing some old hare ,great life





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