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An idea : if the site needs more decent write ups, and less shit slinging, why do the mods (who i am sure do a fair bit in the field) do some write ups of their days out. Might inspire some of the others to put up some decent posts. I know the mods are human, but you dont get many more decent topics from them, and see them spending plenty of time arguing with the bell ends.

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Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s

I may be speaking out of turn here, im sure i'll be told if i am, but there seem to be a record number of idiots on here at the moment, mainly in the lurcher section. I love this site and have learnt

When this forum started quite a few years ago, it was nothing like it is now. Older members will remember the old Moocher/EDRD forum days. This forum was a good place, with good knowledgeable members,

If you go on the earthdog section and look back pre 2009, just about every page had pictures and write ups of digs.

Look at this season. Probably only a handfull of genuine write ups and pics.


Its not the forums fault genuine people are afraid to post. They have nothing to gain and everything to loose.


Its the arseholes with nothing to loose that concern me.


Now every post is just a shit slinging contest about my dog is blacker than yours.



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A very interesting post by tyla and even more interesting the replies in the following thread now amounting to over 100+


with some people agreeing and others disagreeing and others just taking the piss i must admit to agreeing with tyla 100%


how ever i do have some sympathy with lads who have been brought up into a world


of no discipline weak laws and no consequences


for any wrong doings


that sit at there play stations and xboxs shooting and killing every thing that moves


and if they kill


the wrong people is doesn't matter because its JUST A GAME


or the ones who sit texting THREATS on there mobiles or taking photo's


of HAPPY SLAPPING we adults have let them down by letting this happen


we now have a generation of bullies


who feel that they can say or do what they like when they like and :feck: everybody else


perhaps its time to show them that there are consequences if you don't play properly then we wont let you play in our gang


the one statement that absolutely incenses me is ( don't take it so seriously its only the Internet )do they not realise that what


they post is up for viewing by anybody in the WORLD


that they can be traced through the Internet whilst any shit that falls on these stupid people is down to them it also reflects


on this forum THE HUNTING LIFE and the members mods and admin who to the best of my knowledge are good law abiding people or


at least people who know when to keep their mouth shut


we all know the rules and the laws of the land if you break them keep your mouth shut don't photograph it don't post it don't


boast about it


Ian i wish you and your mods the very best of luck with these problems and hope you sort out this minority who are causing the


problems if i can be of any assistance feel free to pm me



Absolutely spot on!:thumbs:


Cheers, D.

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Okay RFYL and the other decent members, can we start writing good threads with pictures and writeups and just report any prats as soon as they post.

I think the more good posts we have and the more idiots reported the better this place can be.


I will be posting more threads as of today and I hope people will take the time to read, comment, critisize etc, now critisizing is not ranting and raving and saying everything is wrong and this and that, it is there to help people so make sure that it is constructive!


Can we have an agreement or not, and everyone that wants change will have to do there bit and report these people and not swoop to their level!


Even if knowone else will, I am.



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:hmm: Can't speak for other guys,..but, I've learned through bitter experience.. :laugh: ..that it is a wasteful exercise trying to talk, 'seriously' about the hunting game, on the Internet.. :no:


Within a site as large as this one, and amongst the thousands of members, there are plenty of Goodfellas, and the truth of the matter is,..most of them tend to stick to Pm's and E-Mails to have a chat.. :thumbs:


Of course it would be extremely beneficial to all of us, IF there was some way of culling the funny fellas,..but there isn't... :no:

So,..the best bet is to try and keep your friends close,..etc,.etc,... :laugh:


Its a shame,.but there it is...





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There are a couple of members who have posted on this thread all in favour of getting rid of problem members ,who have in the past been aggresive , abusive ,negative and needlessly critical , whos going to police the self appointed policemen ?

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol


:laugh: Right, I ain't afraid to list who I think should go...............






:bye: nice knowing you

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol


:laugh: Right, I ain't afraid to list who I think should go...............






:bye: nice knowing you

That's a disgrace!!!!!! Simo, do the right thing.....Anyway baw this thread was started with you in mind..... Lol

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol


Baw don't half waffle!


Lab, the early days of The Hunting Life were kicking mate, but as we all know circumstances have changed dramatically for the worse. So there leaves very little choice. There is a lot of frustration from members who read and see some of the posts on here by the "I NEED TO PROVE A POINT TO PEOPLE" club leave them be, and let them SHINE :thumbs:


And erm, no mod for Stewie! :laugh: FFS............

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol


:laugh: Right, I ain't afraid to list who I think should go...............






:bye: nice knowing you

That's a disgrace!!!!!! Simo, do the right thing.....Anyway baw this thread was started with you in mind..... Lol


:laugh: I must admit, after reading some of the comments on here from those who shall be obey'd, I was surprised I'm still here :laugh: Only kidden before someone gets ideas :tongue2:

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol


:laugh: Right, I ain't afraid to list who I think should go...............






:bye: nice knowing you

That's a disgrace!!!!!! Simo, do the right thing.....Anyway baw this thread was started with you in mind..... Lol


:laugh: I must admit, after reading some of the comments on here from those who shall be obey'd, I was surprised I'm still here :laugh: Only kidden before someone gets ideas :tongue2:


Matey, i think your safe in the fact that, no matter how hard you try, there are some much more naturally gifted tossers than you on here. :thumbs:

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol


:laugh: Right, I ain't afraid to list who I think should go...............






:bye: nice knowing you

That's a disgrace!!!!!! Simo, do the right thing.....Anyway baw this thread was started with you in mind..... Lol


:laugh: I must admit, after reading some of the comments on here from those who shall be obey'd, I was surprised I'm still here :laugh: Only kidden before someone gets ideas :tongue2:


Matey, i think your safe in the fact that, no matter how hard you try, there are some much more naturally gifted tossers than you on here. :thumbs:


Awww cheers pal :thumbs: (it is a compliment right???) :tongue2:


Right, get off me and bans lol, getting worried now....... :whistling:

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:


I hear what your saying and look, i'm not wanting to get into an argument and I'm sorry if this reply is long winded lol, so anyone with a short attention span please ignore(thats Toby away :laugh: ) I noticed some phots you put up recently in the General section, one is a photo of your wife on a stone dyke. Lovely photo but other than admiring your lovely wife, the photo is pretty much a private photo which would be better put in the photography section. Here it will be admired by people soley wanting to look at photos, where they can comment on exposure,(light exposure not your wife :laugh: ) rule of thirds, composition........you get the picture(pun intended). I know you wont get as many people viewing but it will be a selected few who want to view it whereas in the general section, people just generally look to see what it is. Maybe thats why they dont get as much compliments etc. Just a thought.............. as for the point scoring, I'm a hate figure the same as you, some clown got a point for saying baw your a pussy. At the end of the day it doesn't bother me in the slightest his comments or him getting a point, it happens. Maybe if it does bother members it might be worth scrapping the reputation thing if people are using it more for winding up than congratualting a good post.


Another thing and this is more to the mods............... I think their should be a section where mods who ban people post the reason why it happens so that people can learn from it or the people who are banned will know the reason why they are banned. If all and sundry are reporting people just because they don't agree with someones opinion and the poor chap gets banned, it would be nice if he can come back on as a guest and see why. :thumbs:

Jesus baw that's a long drawn out way of asking why you get banned every other week...... Lol. Why is everybody moaning saying that the site isn't what it used to be because of the lack of photos and videos when we all know when someone takes the time and effort to upload a days digging, coursing or shooting there's going to be a handful of c**ts sitting there ready to pull it to bits anyway?

Stewie for mod....... Think that's a great idea mate, you can write about all the great dogs you've had!!! Anybody got a spare fag packet for stewies notes? Lol


:laugh: Right, I ain't afraid to list who I think should go...............






:bye: nice knowing you

That's a disgrace!!!!!! Simo, do the right thing.....Anyway baw this thread was started with you in mind..... Lol


:laugh: I must admit, after reading some of the comments on here from those who shall be obey'd, I was surprised I'm still here :laugh: Only kidden before someone gets ideas :tongue2:


Matey, i think your safe in the fact that, no matter how hard you try, there are some much more naturally gifted tossers than you on here. :thumbs:


Awww cheers pal :thumbs: (it is a compliment right???) :tongue2:


Right, get off me and bans lol, getting worried now....... :whistling:


It was indeed :thumbs:

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