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JD It wont happen and you know it... there has always been hard men in the hunting world, guys who'll take on anybody, threaten even the weakest. It has gone past that on here now. People who dont even hunt are running the show. I have said it over and over that the good dog men have long since gone. I speak to a few, and they still read posts but just cant be bothered with the replys if they do post. Replys from 18yr olds,telling them they are talking crap and calling there dogs. When some of these guys have been hunting for over 50yrs and have lines of dogs that are superb in there own rights.


As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


Cheers mate, glad to know its not just me the gets bothered by it :thumbs:

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Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s

I may be speaking out of turn here, im sure i'll be told if i am, but there seem to be a record number of idiots on here at the moment, mainly in the lurcher section. I love this site and have learnt

When this forum started quite a few years ago, it was nothing like it is now. Older members will remember the old Moocher/EDRD forum days. This forum was a good place, with good knowledgeable members,

there was some goods points made here on this thread,but i think most people can make up their own minds and as you start to read a post get the jist of whether the poster has a clue of what they are on about,we all know the media love to sensationalise shooting incidents and blow them out of proportion,and i am in know doubt that you get people who join forums even ones like this one just to see what agro they can cause before being removed.

i bet their is no end of people on here that are not shooters...dog runners...ferreters...or prey bird flyers,and they probably come on here to wind people up and succeed,whining about them and calling them every thing you can think of makes them more powerful...i have always found that the best way to deal with these people is to treat them with the contempt they deserve...dont let the b*****ds grind you down.




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A very interesting post by tyla and even more interesting the replies in the following thread now amounting to over 100+


with some people agreeing and others disagreeing and others just taking the piss i must admit to agreeing with tyla 100%


how ever i do have some sympathy with lads who have been brought up into a world


of no discipline weak laws and no consequences


for any wrong doings


that sit at there play stations and xboxs shooting and killing every thing that moves


and if they kill


the wrong people is doesn't matter because its JUST A GAME


or the ones who sit texting THREATS on there mobiles or taking photo's


of HAPPY SLAPPING we adults have let them down by letting this happen


we now have a generation of bullies


who feel that they can say or do what they like when they like and :feck: everybody else


perhaps its time to show them that there are consequences if you don't play properly then we wont let you play in our gang


the one statement that absolutely incenses me is ( don't take it so seriously its only the Internet )do they not realise that what


they post is up for viewing by anybody in the WORLD


that they can be traced through the Internet whilst any shit that falls on these stupid people is down to them it also reflects


on this forum THE HUNTING LIFE and the members mods and admin who to the best of my knowledge are good law abiding people or


at least people who know when to keep their mouth shut


we all know the rules and the laws of the land if you break them keep your mouth shut don't photograph it don't post it don't


boast about it


Ian i wish you and your mods the very best of luck with these problems and hope you sort out this minority who are causing the


problems if i can be of any assistance feel free to pm me

Edited by keeper 51
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Right, this thread shows a few members who should go elsewhere, there contribution to the forum and some members are total negative, every post...so there gone...


Lets have a restructure..


Should we have seperate sections for verified members who don't argue, and have proved themselves that they can sensibly debate? Not a private forum, but somewhere only these members can post... Saying that, the biggest problem section is the lurcher section, it attracts the most idiots by far, I'm not saying any other section doesn't because they do, including the shooting and ferreting, sections... The problem being people NEED to accept everyones got different opinions and debate with them, not argue and destroy good threads, and everyone needs to use the report option to highlight the problem threads that are spoiling the forum.


Give some suggestions as to what should be done to improve things... the problems not removing members, its removing the BAD members and to do this fairly I need a list as I just don't have the time to go through them all myself at the minute...


So can some of the sensible members go through and look at any idiots posting topics they shouldn't and images.... OR anyone dragging good threads down constantly, argueing, etc It may not be instant, but its a start on the right track..


So as I said, suggestions for improvements, they'll all be taken on board... :thumbs:

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Right, this thread shows a few members who should go elsewhere, there contribution to the forum is nothing but negative shite, so I'll ban...


Lets have a restructure..


Should we have seperate sections for verified members who don't argue, and have proved themselves that they can sensibly debate? Not a private forum, but somewhere only these members can post... Saying that, the biggest problem section is the lurcher section, it attracts the most idiots by far, I'm not saying any other section doesn't because they do, including the shooting and ferreting, sections... The problem being people NEED to accept everyones got different opinions and debate with them, not argue and destroy good threads, and everyone needs to use the report option to highlight the problem threads that are spoiling the forum.


Give some suggestions as to what should be done to improve things... the problems not removing members, its removing the BAD members and to do this fairly I need a list as I just don't have the time to go through them all myself at the minute...


So can some of the sensible members go through and look at any idiots posting topics they shouldn't and images.... OR anyone dragging good threads down constantly, argueing, etc It may not be instant, but its a start on the right track..


So as I said, suggestions for improvements, they'll all be taken on board... :thumbs:


Maybe the forum rules need to be put in a clear place and state what will get you a warning and what will get you banned immediately then no one has any excuse.

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I think the forum needs new mods that are proven to be respectful and who stick by the rules of the forum, I do think we need probably 4/5 mods per different section. I think the only section that has had NO arguing, no bitching, no pisstaking etc is the living of the land section and that is where I am most of the time now as I don't do writeups because as previously mentioned, knowone takes any notice of them in fear that someone will slag them off. I used to thouroughly enjoy the ferreting section when there was some brilliant pictures and writeups of Stubby (you need to post some more of your days out) and Magwitch and Richie, and there where quite a few more too but it's late and I can't think of them, but they have either stopped posting or left and I don't blame them with all these chavs and wannabe hard men that are there to kill and not enjoy the true meaning of hunting....being outdoors, respecting nature, and enjoying watching your animals work or feeling proud that you have a great shot etc.


Like I said, more mods = more eyes = the tossers get pushed out. I do personally think that is the only FAIR way of doing things as I know there are a lot of members who join up and genuinely want to learn and they feel threatened to post because of these numpties.


I think there should also be an automatic email sent out to any new members stating clearly the rules and the consequences of breaking the rules.




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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:



sorry you dont approve mate. As stated further on in this topic. Stubby, magwitch, richie etc dont post there pics at all anymore. And that is a crying shame mate coz they were good. I however have choose to say my piece and i am sure they felt the same. Its ok if you think that is shallow of myself, i understand but when you put time to put a descent post together and nothing becomes of it, because theres an argument going on about black is white, it does get you down yeah.. And your critiscism of another member actually got you 3 points, lol. Which is fine, i am surprised however it wasnt more.. And about the points, if you feel that people deserve to recieve them for calling some one a wanker, then so be it.. :thumbs:

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I think newbie's come on all guns blazing arguing with everybody a few daft posts to get noticed and then try to settle in ?. You soon get a feeling about some folk on here and when we meet up on a days hunting you bleather about them and we cant all be wrong ?.

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OK Guys, we do not need more moderators, We need the good guys, of which there are many, to simply press the REPORT button and it will be dealt with...Many thanks to those members who are helping rid the site of undesirables, I'm sure it will bounce back with the injection of some decent threads. :victory:

Watch this space.... :notworthy:

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Right, this thread shows a few members who should go elsewhere, there contribution to the forum and some members are total negative, every post...so there gone...


Lets have a restructure..


Should we have seperate sections for verified members who don't argue, and have proved themselves that they can sensibly debate? Not a private forum, but somewhere only these members can post... Saying that, the biggest problem section is the lurcher section, it attracts the most idiots by far, I'm not saying any other section doesn't because they do, including the shooting and ferreting, sections... The problem being people NEED to accept everyones got different opinions and debate with them, not argue and destroy good threads, and everyone needs to use the report option to highlight the problem threads that are spoiling the forum.


Give some suggestions as to what should be done to improve things... the problems not removing members, its removing the BAD members and to do this fairly I need a list as I just don't have the time to go through them all myself at the minute...


So can some of the sensible members go through and look at any idiots posting topics they shouldn't and images.... OR anyone dragging good threads down constantly, argueing, etc It may not be instant, but its a start on the right track..


So as I said, suggestions for improvements, they'll all be taken on board... :thumbs:


Your not going to get a fairer offer than that boys and girls. :yes:


Now's your chance to do your own investigating, and pass on your results to the relevant people to deal with.


Make a difference and start today!



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OK, here goes.....


My vote for the boot goes to:


1. terrier.man

2. burny2011

3. russellpt6


For a start.


Then there is the continual use of text talk, which seems to be worse in the 'shout box' (which has no report facility).




Now that is just silly. A reciepe for an argument even on this thread. It has to be behind closed doors. Not in the public eye. As others may like the persons in question.. :blink:

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i agree the naming and shaming is the wrong way to do it report them and let the mods decide :thumbs:


at first i did agree with having a seperate section for established members but thinking about it we would be acting in a selfish way as how are some of the decent young hunters goin to learn in a way wed be creating more idiots by not giving them the chance to learn the right way i will be hitting the report button more often but mods you will have your work cut out and i hope i dont end up on the hit list :laugh: atb bog

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