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Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s

I may be speaking out of turn here, im sure i'll be told if i am, but there seem to be a record number of idiots on here at the moment, mainly in the lurcher section. I love this site and have learnt

When this forum started quite a few years ago, it was nothing like it is now. Older members will remember the old Moocher/EDRD forum days. This forum was a good place, with good knowledgeable members,

There needs to be a zero tollerence of these wankers that are bringing the sport into disrepute and driving away good members.


I'm sorry, because I know that the moderators work hard to keep this place tidy, but they aren't doing a good enough job!


The rules are not being enforced; just look at the amount of text talk everywhere? And the same as most burglers start off by shoplifting, most of the text talk users go on to post crap.


More moderators are needed, and the existing moderators need to do a better job. Just look at the recent posts on the feretting section.... why are those dickheads still listed as members? Why hasn't something been done?


It's no good arguing that they will re-register under a different name either. These people are serial dickheads, and even if they reregister they will soon show themselves for what they are. Sooner or later they will get fed up with being banned and go off to one of the crap forums like Jacksshed.


Why not restrict some of the boards to established members? That way new members would have to have posted a certain number of posts before they can get on them, and we can weed out the dickheads before they get onto the forums?


You only have to look back to some of the older (pre 2008) posts to see how good this site used to be. Too many decent members have left.

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JD It wont happen and you know it... there has always been hard men in the hunting world, guys who'll take on anybody, threaten even the weakest. It has gone past that on here now. People who dont even hunt are running the show. I have said it over and over that the good dog men have long since gone. I speak to a few, and they still read posts but just cant be bothered with the replys if they do post. Replys from 18yr olds,telling them they are talking crap and calling there dogs. When some of these guys have been hunting for over 50yrs and have lines of dogs that are superb in there own rights.


As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.

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i for one enjoy most of your pics pal but just dont leave a comment if it helps your self esteam i will in future lol joking aside you should still post. and the bloke before who said a section for established members or people vouched for by established members would be a very good idea think would get the genuine folk a rest from the bum fluff hardcorelampers amoungst us :thumbs:

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i for one enjoy most of your pics pal but just dont leave a comment if it helps your self esteam i will in future lol joking aside you should still post. and the bloke before who said a section for established members or people vouched for by established members would be a very good idea think would get the genuine folk a rest from the bum fluff hardcorelampers amoungst us :thumbs:




Bogger, i understand that, and some people just dont post, thats there way. It just makes you think, well maybe i am wasting my time. After all it takes sometimes nearly an hour to download, resize and post on the forum.

Especially when you go into a meaningless post and you see everyone is there clicking away at there mates comments making their ratings go through the roof... Some guy last week got 3 points on his reputation for put this up :feck: obviously his young mates. Its a forum for outdoor pursuits and being close to nature... :thumbs::thumbs:

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Have to admit, this is right on the nail

Recently it has been a proper struggle to keep my temper on some of the forums due to arsholes on the wind up.

Ripping the piss a wee bit is par for the course but some take it way to far.

Look even at the ferret forum where there are a couple of members on just now that are obviously not even into hunting and are just out to wind folk up.


The lurcher forum is the worst, no doubt there, but then it is the busiest forum here. And I agree, if you take the time to stick up a right up with pics of a day out, 1 or 2 will comment but most will ignore it, and yet,ANOTHER thread about " the best rabbiting cross" will go mental with 100`s of replies, mostly from young knobs with no clue, slating bloke that have been at it for years, "coz they dont have no bullx" total bollocks.


It`s still worth the time and effort on here,, but sometimes it gets right oan yer tits!



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I'm sure we will be having a BIG clear out soon...... ;):thumbs:

Just before the 'silly season' starts.

Good Hunting Folks....JD

good luck with that :thumbs:


That'll be the mod application form ripped up then :laugh:

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As the regulars will know and my pals, i used to post many pics on here. Now they go without a word or just a glance. Ok if people dont like them, thats fair enough. I dont even write the days events to the pics anymore, it just isnt worth it. A picture can say a 1000 words but pc hunters dont seem to relish this thought and care very little for a camera. Unless it has a dead animal in front of it!


Simonman is a sound chap, and has it right. He kicked someone a while back after i had posted some pics. I said i wasnt going to bother anymore. He did however contact and asked me to carry on posting my shots as he enjoyed them and so did others. I think i haveonly posted twice since then, It just isnt worth the hasle. Yeah i know we all can be dicks and have a argument but threatening behaviour, wife calling, dog calling, and the rest is just ridiculous... Thanks for this post tyla.


:blink: That sounds so shallow. So basically your biggest gripes of the huntinglife is folk don't say how amazing your photos are and some folk give their pals reputation points :icon_eek:

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Banned or not !!! Theres things that shouldn't be posted on here and theres idiots who get off on animal cruelty, yes they love causing pain, not hunting, watching an animal suffer....are these hunters ??? Are they f**k ! excuse the language.... anyone half respectful knows we should always be as humane as possible... Theres a lot of people who view these internet forums, it only takes a few bad members to give them a wrong opinion of how we go about things.... My advice to anyone who wants to keep hunting and their kids hunting with minimal hassle for years to come without any further restrictions and prejudice, stay away from the muppets who show nothing respect, no animal, property, person anything, its easy to get tarred with the same brush as these morons...


A good quote from some c**t I can't remember pretty much describes real hunters to me...........


One hunts not in order to kill.......one kills in order to have hunted.

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Folk moan about people taking threads off topic but I look at the threads like you are down the pub. You start talking about something, then it grows arms and legs and goes off on a tangent just like this thread. But, just like this thread, it can improve it 100% :thumbs: People need to lighten up big time. :thumbs:

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