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I may be speaking out of turn here, im sure i'll be told if i am, but there seem to be a record number of idiots on here at the moment, mainly in the lurcher section. I love this site and have learnt a huge amount, met some very good friends and had some excellent sport all down to using it. Recently though it seems to be inudated with fools posting things that will eventually come back to bite us all in the arse and its making me think about whether to post or not. The number of genuine write ups of hunting posts is going down and seem to be put up by a very few people. I dont know if its a reflection of the kind of people running dogs or just that its become popular with some wrong 'uns who have told their friends.


I know this has all been said before and no doubt i'll be told to do one if i dont like it but i really feel that this can and will do damage to the sport and way of life we all love. It will also ruin this site which has been such a valuable resource fot me and, no doubt, many others which would be a real shame. I dont have a solution for it and cant imagine what a nightmare it must be trying to police it for Ian. In no way am i having a pop at the site itself or the running of it.


Im not even sure what im hoping to acheive by posting this but just read a few things and felt like a rant.


Anyone else think the same?

Edited by Tyla
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Not really into pubs, to many people with TALES in the pub You might be into standing in a pub chattin s*it sorry thats not me. The pubs obviously not enough for you because you come on here chattin s

I may be speaking out of turn here, im sure i'll be told if i am, but there seem to be a record number of idiots on here at the moment, mainly in the lurcher section. I love this site and have learnt

When this forum started quite a few years ago, it was nothing like it is now. Older members will remember the old Moocher/EDRD forum days. This forum was a good place, with good knowledgeable members,

I agree with you bud. you know how hard it was for me to find people willig (urself and brad) to take me out with the dogs and ferrets etc. I feel the reason it was so hard to find good guys is this:


1) you have to wade throught the rubbish to find decent guys.


2) people are too scared to meet up and help other peole becuse of the idiots ruining it for the good guys.


3) so much bitchyness on here it turns people off posting.


i am no master aa ny fieldsport and dont try to pretend to be, i like to learn from here and you guys but i feel if your not the 'right' type of person, you get slated for it?


prob is tyla, there d**kheads in life mate and we cant help that :)


john boy

Edited by rascal_2005
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Dickheads is one thing but if the blatant disregard for quarry is pissing me off then imagine what it does to anti's and, much more importantly, people who have yet to decide what they think?

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i agree with you pal. every topic seems to get highjacked by numptys with silly comments. it is off putting trying to share experiances with others when you know some nob is going to try and turn it into something elce. i will say there are some people who really shouldnt have dogs. And dont get me started on the disregard some people have for quarry.

atb mrs A.R.D

Edited by Mrs A.R.D
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It's a case of reporting posts that are needlessly abusive or just plain stupid so the moderators can assess if they need to be removed and the persons warned. It is not grassing. No one can see who reported the post not even the site admin so no need to worry about the keyboard warriors threatening to get their daddy to beat up your daddy. :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


I also think maybe the question needs to be asked. Are there enough moderators? I think the mods on this site do a good job considering all the crap that get posted but maybe one or two more well known and respected members (so not me) would be willing to lighten the load?


Most of us have a thick skin so we just laugh at the idiots but it does put off the new members and also reflects on the rest of us. I don't personally like the idea of people thinking we are all retarded just because one or two on here either can't form a sentence in proper English or can only post empty threats because they are safe behind their fat wifes computer.

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It's a case of reporting posts that are needlessly abusive or just plain stupid so the moderators can assess if they need to be removed and the persons warned. It is not grassing. No one can see who reported the post not even the site admin so no need to worry about the keyboard warriors threatening to get their daddy to beat up your daddy. :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


I also think maybe the question needs to be asked. Are there enough moderators? I think the mods on this site do a good job considering all the crap that get posted but maybe one or two more well known and respected members (so not me) would be willing to lighten the load?


Most of us have a thick skin so we just laugh at the idiots but it does put off the new members and also reflects on the rest of us. I don't personally like the idea of people thinking we are all retarded just because one or two on here either can't form a sentence in proper English or can only post empty threats because they are safe behind their fat wifes computer.


I dont care about the spelling and threats, as said before there are, always have been and always will be, idiots out there. What i dont like is all the bragging about things that any self respecting hunter would be ashamed of or at the very least keep quiet about.

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I agree with what you're saying Tyla. Dont know if anything can be done but it makes me reluctant to answer posts by people I dont know, or know of.

For example, I know about the wormer that can be fatal to collies (ivermectin) but none of the fuckwits want to take any notice of a grumpy old shit shoveller so why should i bother replying to a post when I just know some argumentative little scrote is going to tell me I dont know what I'm talking about.

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We have a collection of members with very special "needs", the need to be heard, the need to be the "man", but most just really need a cuddle and a head rub. We will do our best to remove idiots and there posts and members do there bit by pressing the report button. There is also a "need" for some members to explain there hunting of illegal quarry, perhaps they feel a little bit "bigger" than the rest of us mere mortals :thumbs:

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I agree with what you're saying Tyla. Dont know if anything can be done but it makes me reluctant to answer posts by people I dont know, or know of.

For example, I know about the wormer that can be fatal to collies (ivermectin) but none of the fuckwits want to take any notice of a grumpy old shit shoveller so why should i bother replying to a post when I just know some argumentative little scrote is going to tell me I dont know what I'm talking about.


I expect your right, cant honestly see what can be done about it. Some of these posts make my blood boil and make me want to reply and have it out with them but whats the point, you just get called out by some kid on the other side of the country who just likes killing things and wants everyone to know about it. Its just getting to the point that i only read posts by people that i know are going to post something worth reading but that means trolling through pages of dross.


Simoman, i think your right. We should all know what goes on and what should be posted and what should be left unsaid but it seems a little complicated for some to understand.

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It can be a right pain, espeacially if the thread is Decent, and it's very hard to ignore now as it's happening in most threads.



I was talking to a gamekeeper from Sussex today, now working down here. He confirmed some BIG WHITE LIES from a well known member in here, well myself and the keeper couldn't stop laughing :laugh:oh well..........



It's always best to tell your friends if asked that they have never heard of you.





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It can be a right pain, espeacially if the thread is Decent, and it's very hard to ignore now as it's happening in most threads.



I was talking to a gamekeeper from Sussex today, now working down here. He confirmed some BIG WHITE LIES from a well known member in here, well myself and the keeper couldn't stop laughing :laugh:oh well..........



It's always best to tell your friends if asked that they have never heard of you.






Or best to tell the truth?


Problem is some people dont seem to have mastered the art of knowing what can and cant be said on an open forum?


Just out of interest, from whereabouts in Sussex?

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