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two woodies

Guest king ratcatcher

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Guest king ratcatcher

Well noticing theres alot of crows and magpies around lately, i decided to have a crack at them, so last night i got a frozen rat and left it out to defrost, got up eirly this morning and slit it open and put it next to a magpie deek, nothing showed intrest for half an hour, then out of the blue a nice plump woodie landed 20 yards away, cross hairs on hes head, crack !! down he went, i went down picked him up, luvley head shot, come back upto the house and as soon as i sit down a collared dove landed, i thought id leave him alone as theres not many around, so i left him becouse i was hoping hed act like a deek and bring another woodie down, so i waited patiently for a couple of minutes. my patients soon paid of as a woodie landed not 10 yards away, cross hairs on hes head, Wack !! down goes woodie number 2. It seems they like the magpie decoy, must give them alot of confidence knowing magpies are clever quarry and wouldnt be there if there was any danger ;)


Both head shots with 18 grain exterminators ;)



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Guest king ratcatcher
  ferreter_joe said:
Good shooting pal, whats the new gun like compared to your s16? Joe :)


Cheers, it is much more comfy to shoot, you can take prone shots with ease, the s16 you couldnt becouse the grip would touch the floor, its lighter by a pound or two, smoother cocking, cocking it is whisper quiet too, no clonking noise like the s16, the trigger is impressive too, where as the s16 was horrid lol :)

Edited by king ratcatcher
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