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what lines do u think are the best??

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  On 31/03/2011 at 21:41, POSSUM said:
  On 31/03/2011 at 11:24, beef-unit said:
  On 31/03/2011 at 11:12, POSSUM said:
  On 30/03/2011 at 11:42, moddey-dhoo said:

the BEST ones are those being worked :thumbs: all the so-called lines :hmm: are so inter mixed its just one line of terriers, find someone in your area who works his dogs, :toast: thats the best line for you :thumbs: rest of it is all hype and ego's :whistling: edited to add money making

spot on moddey-doo, and remember stay clear of the website peddlers. I dont think I have ever seen a real worker come from any website kennel here in the states, just a bunch of money hungry peddlers...all the best...and if there was a particular line that was the best, we would all own terriers from it. depends on your individual needs..


So what does the different types of patterdale bring to the table then , Pros and Cons?

It is impossible to judge lines as a whole because= even if joe-blow has terrific terriers of a certain line that work like hell doesnt mean that the guy down the road that owns terriers from the same genes will be equal...Why?, because maybe Joe-blow worked the shite out of his terriers putting working ability first before breeding , when the guy down the road never properly tested his terriers before he made the breedings.. even if he produces the odd worker now and then his %'s will never be the same as joe-blow because the terriers was not bred for working ability, just a fast dollar.. remember 1 bad breeding can ruin your whole line.. Try to find yourself a fellow that you know for sure works his terriers, go hunting with him so you will see first hand just what you will be getting. Stay away from website kennels..ANYONE WHO SELLS WORKING TERRIERS FROM A WEBSITE IS A FECKING JOKE!!!!! THAT TERRIER IN YOUR AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A TERRIER I KNOW OF NAMED OTIS. Is that him???



Im not to sure mate , I took the pic of the net that I liked the look of ..

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Because of legal issues this Topic can't be fully and truthfully discussed. For 'Historical reference' I will give my tuppence worth. There were guys out there who went digging purely for Badgers and

you dont say the l word on this site mate

best patterdales are the worker x worker ... feck the lines ... aint heard of half of them and dont want to

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  On 31/03/2011 at 23:30, beef-unit said:
  On 31/03/2011 at 21:41, POSSUM said:
  On 31/03/2011 at 11:24, beef-unit said:
  On 31/03/2011 at 11:12, POSSUM said:
  On 30/03/2011 at 11:42, moddey-dhoo said:

the BEST ones are those being worked :thumbs: all the so-called lines :hmm: are so inter mixed its just one line of terriers, find someone in your area who works his dogs, :toast: thats the best line for you :thumbs: rest of it is all hype and ego's :whistling: edited to add money making

spot on moddey-doo, and remember stay clear of the website peddlers. I dont think I have ever seen a real worker come from any website kennel here in the states, just a bunch of money hungry peddlers...all the best...and if there was a particular line that was the best, we would all own terriers from it. depends on your individual needs..


So what does the different types of patterdale bring to the table then , Pros and Cons?

It is impossible to judge lines as a whole because= even if joe-blow has terrific terriers of a certain line that work like hell doesnt mean that the guy down the road that owns terriers from the same genes will be equal...Why?, because maybe Joe-blow worked the shite out of his terriers putting working ability first before breeding , when the guy down the road never properly tested his terriers before he made the breedings.. even if he produces the odd worker now and then his %'s will never be the same as joe-blow because the terriers was not bred for working ability, just a fast dollar.. remember 1 bad breeding can ruin your whole line.. Try to find yourself a fellow that you know for sure works his terriers, go hunting with him so you will see first hand just what you will be getting. Stay away from website kennels..ANYONE WHO SELLS WORKING TERRIERS FROM A WEBSITE IS A FECKING JOKE!!!!! THAT TERRIER IN YOUR AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A TERRIER I KNOW OF NAMED OTIS. Is that him???



Im not to sure mate , I took the pic of the net that I liked the look of ..


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I have to say I love lines BUT they have to be straight.nothing as flipping annoying as a line that's not straight.I like fishing lines and clothes lines but have a thing for double yellow lines they really do it for me.Power lines?don't start,never straight are they?always bowed in the middle,do my loaf in.really effects my day.

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their is some good line bred dogs about but you cant always say that 2 well bred dogs will produce all working pups does not work like that in any breed ...you could breed 2 dogs one could be shite one could be mint does not mean that pups will be shite its in the genes going back years end of the day its what you make the terrier into in my eyes some meet the table some dont

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Ofcourse lines are important, if a terriers got no past thens its got no future, fact! working terriers are so hard to come by anyway but atleast if you breed proven worker to proven worker out of proven lines then atlest youre doing somthing to better the odds, but unless youre fortunate enough to be in a circle of lads who have these lines then youre f****d because genuine dog men wont just part with that type of blood, and you can forget getting it from the so called big names because all youl get is total shite. as soon as the pound note becomes involved in it you can forget it, genuine dog men wont be interested in money thats why as i said if youre not in a circle of lads with a decent gene pool then youre going to struggle!!!

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Because of legal issues this Topic can't be fully and truthfully discussed. For 'Historical reference' I will give my tuppence worth. There were guys out there who went digging purely for Badgers and their Terriers occasionally came across a Fox, which was released and left for the local Hunt on their 'days', if the Terrier did not kill or injur it too much. Some of these Dogs were a little big for true Fox Earths and 'cubbing' but as they weren't bred for that it didn't matter too much. Obviously the better and more successful Terriers were bred from and the not so good 'culled'. A 'not so good' Terrier could mean anything from a Dog which gets itself truly hammered every time it goes out or a Dog which allowed the Badger to move around too much, a Dog which came off was just a 'cur' and didn't even get a lift Home, even if it did 'do' his Foxes well.

I wouldn't recommend a 'Line' as such, It is more to do with the owners of the Parents and Grand Parents and their expectations of what a 'digging Dog' should be. For me PERSONALLY I would want a Pup from particular people because of their phylosophy on digging Dogs and not necessarily a known 'Line'.


I edited to add, the people I would ESPECIALLY want a Pup from, would not want or need to advertise the Litter anywhere and I would not go to any of the known 'breeders' discussed Week in and Week out on these sorts of places any more.

Edited by Shamo
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  On 01/04/2011 at 12:53, Shamo said:

Because of legal issues this Topic can't be fully and truthfully discussed. For 'Historical reference' I will give my tuppence worth. There were guys out there who went digging purely for Badgers and their Terriers occasionally came across a Fox, which was released and left for the local Hunt on their 'days', if the Terrier did not kill or injur it too much. Some of these Dogs were a little big for true Fox Earths and 'cubbing' but as they weren't bred for that it didn't matter too much. Obviously the better and more successful Terriers were bred from and the not so good 'culled'. A 'not so good' Terrier could mean anything from a Dog which gets itself truly hammered every time it goes out or a Dog which allowed the Badger to move around too much, a Dog which came off was just a 'cur' and didn't even get a lift Home, even if it did 'do' his Foxes well.

I wouldn't recommend a 'Line' as such, It is more to do with the owners of the Parents and Grand Parents and their expectations of what a 'digging Dog' should be. For me PERSONALLY I would want a Pup from particular people because of their phylosophy on digging Dogs and not necessarily a known 'Line'.

Thats the point i was trying to make, its the lads who keep themselves to themselves, theyre the ones with the good lines because they only breed for themselves out of dogs and bitches they know work!

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I agree with SHAMO,i think it all boils down to what the dogs are worked on.I have seen dogs that are worked week in week out on fox,but would they go the distance with badger,PRE BAN of course.I have seen quarry dug one week and released and dug again the following week again,would the fox dogs of today be able to hold one that's been dug a few times,i have my doubt's.I have been lucky enough to have had the pleasure to dig both and in my eyes fox dogs are easy enough come by.It was a whole different ball game to keep consistant badger dogs and dogs that were dug to weekly.There the type of lines i think are best.jmho.

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Good and bad in every line,some lines may throw more consistent at one period of time than another line and some folk lose there way with money and other things and one mans dream dog is another mans rubbing rag so to speak theres always gonna be litter wastage in any line,personely i think all ye can do is breed best to the best hope for the best and cull the rest :thumbs: if more folk would cull shite and take there tounges from other folks backsides long enough to give an honest opinion there would be better terriers out there :thumbs:

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Guest busterdog

I would like one more year with my Toby or Buster, dogs that made everything look easy.......:notworthy:

and KP's Flint, i've heard a lot of the older generation say great things about this dog.

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  On 01/04/2011 at 13:23, fat man said:

I agree with SHAMO,i think it all boils down to what the dogs are worked on.I have seen dogs that are worked week in week out on fox,but would they go the distance with badger,PRE BAN of course.I have seen quarry dug one week and released and dug again the following week again,would the fox dogs of today be able to hold one that's been dug a few times,i have my doubt's.I have been lucky enough to have had the pleasure to dig both and in my eyes fox dogs are easy enough come by.It was a whole different ball game to keep consistant badger dogs and dogs that were dug to weekly.There the type of lines i think are best.jmho.

i dont agree fat man too many people under estimate the fox its easy enough to get a dog to work a fox on ten or twelve digs in the season but you push them and work them to foxs a few times a a week and when at xmas the foxs are in full health they can soon sort the wheat from the chaff just my opinion ive seen many a good dog finished by a fox
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  On 01/04/2011 at 19:24, kevin em said:
  On 01/04/2011 at 13:23, fat man said:

I agree with SHAMO,i think it all boils down to what the dogs are worked on.I have seen dogs that are worked week in week out on fox,but would they go the distance with badger,PRE BAN of course.I have seen quarry dug one week and released and dug again the following week again,would the fox dogs of today be able to hold one that's been dug a few times,i have my doubt's.I have been lucky enough to have had the pleasure to dig both and in my eyes fox dogs are easy enough come by.It was a whole different ball game to keep consistant badger dogs and dogs that were dug to weekly.There the type of lines i think are best.jmho.

i dont agree fat man too many people under estimate the fox its easy enough to get a dog to work a fox on ten or twelve digs in the season but you push them and work them to foxs a few times a a week and when at xmas the foxs are in full health they can soon sort the wheat from the chaff just my opinion ive seen many a good dog finished by a fox


both fat man and kevin em got cracking points had dogs digging badger regular pre ban but a good dog nearly got killed by dog fox but every dig is different as you lads know some digs to badger where easier than fox some where really dosile but do agree would a lot of fox dogs today dig regular to badger i dont think so just my opion

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  On 01/04/2011 at 19:24, kevin em said:
  On 01/04/2011 at 13:23, fat man said:

I agree with SHAMO,i think it all boils down to what the dogs are worked on.I have seen dogs that are worked week in week out on fox,but would they go the distance with badger,PRE BAN of course.I have seen quarry dug one week and released and dug again the following week again,would the fox dogs of today be able to hold one that's been dug a few times,i have my doubt's.I have been lucky enough to have had the pleasure to dig both and in my eyes fox dogs are easy enough come by.It was a whole different ball game to keep consistant badger dogs and dogs that were dug to weekly.There the type of lines i think are best.jmho.

i dont agree fat man too many people under estimate the fox its easy enough to get a dog to work a fox on ten or twelve digs in the season but you push them and work them to foxs a few times a a week and when at xmas the foxs are in full health they can soon sort the wheat from the chaff just my opinion ive seen many a good dog finished by a fox


Like Fat Man I have dug both and I never under estimated anything under ground.But my friend consistent badger digging is light years away from digging foxes.If a half deasent dog can get to his fox he should be able to mix it and kill him no matter whether its xmas or not..The fox dont sort out the wheat from the chaff they were chaff before they ever went in to meet him.The badger dog on the other hand goes in to face the best pound for pound fighting animal in the World.His bites cannot harm his foe but one or two mistakes he can lose half his face or his life but the gameness makes him do it anyway.I to have seen dogs finished by fox In my opinion they were never any good anyway it just took a little longer for his yellow streak to show.A footnote to Fat Mans story. Many years ago we had a tagged badger who was dug regular and knew the drill well. We brought plenty of Guinness Diggers who had dogs whose reputations got bigger by the night in the local bar. When the tagged badger heard them coming in to his set the reputation usually went out the window. He was great if you got a dog on trial if he stayed with him and could HOLD him until dug buy the dog immediately.

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Im not saying fox is easy quarry,im saying its easier to get a dog to work fox's than badger,pre ban.I know you do a bit with hounds kevin but your not honestly saying that the dogs of today that work fox on a weekly basis are better than the dogs that worked badger.I have seen first hand the best of fox dogs come away from badger and so did you if your truthfull.I never seen a badger dog come away from fox.Iknow we cant dig them anymore and its a pity cause they were the ultimate challenge for a terrier.Im not trying to stir shit or anything like that with any man or lady who dig fox,but i dont think there that big a challange.jmho.

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