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Hows many hares In Ireland?

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We often here lads coursing in the uk getting 3 out of 3, or 7 out of 7 ect.

Over here in Ireland, how many would ye lads that course get in a days hunt?

I would say, it would be hard enough to reach the numbers that they do in the uk?

Whats the catch rate here, 2 out of 2, or more?

If their is a match on here, what is the number set? Best of 2, 3, or 5 or more?

At one time, their was a lot of hares here, now its hard to get even 1 run in most areas?


cheers. :thumbs:

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Ùsed to be plenty about my area until a shower of c**ts came in from a different area and practially wiped them out.They were sliping 3or4 dogs at any time.The local coursing club intervened and got

its not about owning the ground its about being a sportsman and respecting your quarry thick c**ts like you would kill every hare etc in sight an have f**k all to run what you goin to do then????????

I can relate to that, its usually the greyhound coursing men who do that, as they want all the hares for them selfs! They are killing decent lads whow have hunted the hare with lurchers for years, fas

I suppose it's hard to say and numbers will differ from places to place. But I can imagine finding hares here would be harder than on the big land in the U.K but maybe I'm wrong. I know every day I go out I'll more see a hare but i could go to places where i could see up to 7-8 in an hour or two but then I usually go out and get one or two runs and I'm happy enough to go home. But one thing is for sure there are plenty of hares around.



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Ùsed to be plenty about my area until a shower of c**ts came in from a different area and practially wiped them out.They were sliping 3or4 dogs at any time.The local coursing club intervened and got rid of these boys and they then started to release hares in the area.I can now see a build up of hares again in the area.We were out after fox with the gun club a few week back and i counted 9 hare leaving a small cover out into a big rushie field.I dont mind any man geting a run at a hare but when you have fcuking wankers like who hunted here about it spoils it for everyone.Why cant all these so called coursing men stick to there own permission,or at least there own county.

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  On 30/03/2011 at 09:56, fat man said:

Ùsed to be plenty about my area until a shower of c**ts came in from a different area and practially wiped them out.They were sliping 3or4 dogs at any time.The local coursing club intervened and got rid of these boys and they then started to release hares in the area.I can now see a build up of hares again in the area.We were out after fox with the gun club a few week back and i counted 9 hare leaving a small cover out into a big rushie field.I dont mind any man geting a run at a hare but when you have fcuking wankers like who hunted here about it spoils it for everyone.Why cant all these so called coursing men stick to there own permission,or at least there own county.

do u own the ground
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  On 30/03/2011 at 10:25, bluebear said:
  On 30/03/2011 at 09:56, fat man said:

Ùsed to be plenty about my area until a shower of c**ts came in from a different area and practially wiped them out.They were sliping 3or4 dogs at any time.The local coursing club intervened and got rid of these boys and they then started to release hares in the area.I can now see a build up of hares again in the area.We were out after fox with the gun club a few week back and i counted 9 hare leaving a small cover out into a big rushie field.I dont mind any man geting a run at a hare but when you have fcuking wankers like who hunted here about it spoils it for everyone.Why cant all these so called coursing men stick to there own permission,or at least there own county.

do u own the ground

Your own county come off it most off north of Ireland boys head down the south and have to travel some miles to get a good hunt.

What the prop that most people land they have permission for travels on to the next farm where some one else has permission for where the hares are just chased from one permission one day and from the other the next and don't get a rest.

There is plenty off hares in the south but the prop is getting the permission because off break-ins and things going missing from these farms. People who use the hunting game as and excuse to steal and breaking into places and stealing from this farms.

There is days where you are down hunting and sick off looking at hares then there is other days when you can walk two spots and only one off you getting a run.

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they have probably wiped out the hares from slipping so many dogs and lamping round their own neck of the woods so that will be why they are travelling to other places get sick of lads like that and the ones who stay in all winter then appear with there dogs at this time of year :thumbdown:

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  On 30/03/2011 at 10:25, bluebear said:
  On 30/03/2011 at 09:56, fat man said:

Ùsed to be plenty about my area until a shower of c**ts came in from a different area and practially wiped them out.They were sliping 3or4 dogs at any time.The local coursing club intervened and got rid of these boys and they then started to release hares in the area.I can now see a build up of hares again in the area.We were out after fox with the gun club a few week back and i counted 9 hare leaving a small cover out into a big rushie field.I dont mind any man geting a run at a hare but when you have fcuking wankers like who hunted here about it spoils it for everyone.Why cant all these so called coursing men stick to there own permission,or at least there own county.

do u own the ground


its not about owning the ground its about being a sportsman and respecting your quarry thick c**ts like you would kill every hare etc in sight an have f**k all to run what you goin to do then???????? use your your head a bit lad

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So, what about matches then here?

How many have to be run, say between to lads, prooving their dog?

Can you lads get say 5 runs each, in order for the matching to go ahead?

Just wondering, how matching goes on here, compared to the uk?

Any lads on here who regularily match their dogs here in Ireland would know.?

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No blue bear i dont own the ground but have permission on it.Not nice to see every hare on it killed just for the fun of it.People wonder why farmers run them when they see them out coursing,its pricks like them lads give everyone with a lurcher a bad name.ICEMAN i read on here a while back that the north is full of hares so why do the lads travel so far to get a run.Dont get me wrong i have nothing against the north lads,just seems a long way to come to run a hare.I know lads meet lads from each side for a day out but i see the north lads down this side pretty often

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  On 30/03/2011 at 11:31, fat man said:

No blue bear i dont own the ground but have permission on it.Not nice to see every hare on it killed just for the fun of it.People wonder why farmers run them when they see them out coursing,its pricks like them lads give everyone with a lurcher a bad name.ICEMAN i read on here a while back that the north is full of hares so why do the lads travel so far to get a run.Dont get me wrong i have nothing against the north lads,just seems a long way to come to run a hare.I know lads meet lads from each side for a day out but i see the north lads down this side pretty often



how were you so polite chubbs thought it was us english that were the polite ones lol id be majorly pissed if was my permission especialy with nob head poachers like you described as people have said there are two sorts or poacher those being the worst :thumbdown:

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  On 30/03/2011 at 11:34, Bogger said:
  On 30/03/2011 at 11:31, fat man said:

No blue bear i dont own the ground but have permission on it.Not nice to see every hare on it killed just for the fun of it.People wonder why farmers run them when they see them out coursing,its pricks like them lads give everyone with a lurcher a bad name.ICEMAN i read on here a while back that the north is full of hares so why do the lads travel so far to get a run.Dont get me wrong i have nothing against the north lads,just seems a long way to come to run a hare.I know lads meet lads from each side for a day out but i see the north lads down this side pretty often



how were you so polite chubbs thought it was us english that were the polite ones lol id be majorly pissed if was my permission especialy with nob head poachers like you described as people have said there are two sorts or poacher those being the worst :thumbdown:

Geting old bogger,and its nice to be nice.

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  On 30/03/2011 at 12:05, bluebear said:
  On 30/03/2011 at 11:47, alan626 said:

wreck there cars :whistling:

will i know boys got their tyres done and they had full permission onthe ground for years the farmer was disgusted


I can relate to that, its usually the greyhound coursing men who do that, as they want all the hares for them selfs! They are killing decent lads whow have hunted the hare with lurchers for years, fast!!


Now, anyone know about my original quetion i asked? :thumbs:

Edited by Blue one
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