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Had a stroll with the birds and the dog today,my good friend steve came up foer the afternoon the plan was to fly the cast on some ground i have on the coast,started the morning got all the kit together got my spare glove for steve to use,couldnt find my glove anywhere i looked all over the only thing i can think of is it fell out of my van whilst finishing the day on thurs,anyway though no worries il call in the hardware shop get myself a welding glove,all shops shut and one had sold out lol,anyway not wanting to ruin the day i said sod it share the glove we have and il fly with out one,ouch! ouch and loads of ouches later we managed to have a good day some cracking flights a nd a few kills,anyhow heres a few pics of me steve and the day should of taken a few more but its surprising while ur out you dont think about what you should be doing!








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  skycat said:
How do you mean Sean? That they wouldn't sit on the wrist together like that?

Garypco: cracking birds: do tell a few more details on how you train them to work together.........or is it just in them?

initially i had a bit of a problem with the female over dominating the male,shed just whack im out of a tree it came to a head one day and she hit him right next to me as they hit the floor i pounced on her grbbed her and domonated her for a change wether it was the right thing or the wrong thing to do at the time i did it because i was so pissed off,she never touched him from that day on,since then theyve moulted out together and are very well bonded together,biggest problem i have is she doesnt follow on as well as id like but as a cast it works the males upfront and the female covers the rear so to speak!

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  skycat said:
Fascinating: just how do you show dominance over a hawk? Obviously with a dog you can put it on its back and hold it down: surely not the same with a hawk!

rightly or wrongly its what i did,but from then on she never bound to the male!!! it was an everyday occurance my male was to scared to fly in the end!

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Had a quick hour out in the wet melting snow had a good flight on a tree rat she worked it hard,but it made its escape into a stone wall(phew) missed a rabbit in cover then i went down the valley to a corner that sometimes holds the odd rabbit.nothing on the way down but going back to the van the other side lil went on point as i sent her into flush a woodcock got up and i called the bird as i heard it before i saw it!


then i heard the tell tail sign as the bells went away,as i looked behind me keira was going away and pumping her wings heavily then as she was almost out of sight throught the trees i saw her going down,as i ran over i cud hear the rabbit squealing and the bell jingling,took me a while to find her in the heavy cover but thanks to lil it made the job slightly easyer,heres a couple of pics once i despatched the rabbit,shed only just taken it on the arse and was unable to get to its head,thankfully she waited for me to help her out!








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