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really fun hunt!

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hey all,


well, i woke up this morning and had planned to go for a nice sushi but got a call form scott saying "are we going hunting?". "ermm.. yes" ; so we head on our way.


we arrived at our main permission and had a quick check zero. after a quick adjustment we went on our way to the usual hotspots. there was a tractor trimming the hedge rows at the farm so we didnt expect much.


i soon came over two bunnies in one of the fields, and as i crept up into a good firing position they scooted off. i followed where they had ran and lay down along the hedge line.

after range finding prominent markers along the hedge i found my zero range and waited.

15 minutes later, a bunny hopped along the hedge line towards me and stopped funnily enough, at my zero marker. after lining the cross hairs, i took the shot and a distinctive sound followed. one rabbit in the bag.


i then went on my way and saw 2 hairs hopping round another field. i tried to get in range but they lethargically hopped into a hedge line, so i decided to sit off again and wait. after 10 minutes and a little play on the iphone i looked to my right and saw a hair hopping in the middle of the field.

i turned around as slowly as possible to avoid compromising my position and took out the range finder. 40 meters. it then looked at me and i froze. but it took no notice and carried on hopping.... luckily, in my direction. another scoot at the range, 30 meters. bang on zero and it had stopped.


amazed with my luck! i looked through the scope and waited for it to lift its head. i saw my opportunity and took the shot. it dropped. :thumbs:

i went to pick it up and went on my way to another location.


we spent the rest of the day sitting in positions but had no luck. they were either out of range or we didnt have a clear shot. so no more for the bag but it was a good day none the less.


unfortunately scott wasn't so lucky today and didnt get anything. but i'm sure next it'll be the other way round! :thumbs:


hope you enjoyed the write up and here are some pics!


atb. alex





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