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beddy grey x wheaton grey anyone got/had one ?

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alright lads iv been thinking about this cross for a while now , i know lads who have got both of the dogs in the topic title and was just wondering what the results of a breeding would be like ? iv seen and heard good things about both crosses so in theory they could be good dogs in the right hands... i imagine they would be good pest control dogs . so has anybody got or had a dog of this breeding if so how did it work and what did it look like , height colour ect... cheers :victory:

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I would imagine (if both parents were workers) it would make for a decent dog.


Personally I would take a bitch of this breeding and put a working whippet over her. I think the 1/4 terrier would be plenty.


However I guess it depends what you want it for.


Wouldn't mind hearing off people who have got them.



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my dog is bred from a beddy/whippet x wheaton/grey ... she was a brindle smoothish coated bitch stood about 20/21" and was meant to have took fox (dont know much about her tbh)... dont have no pics of her but gnipper off this site did have one of her and i think knows more about her..


they should have plenty of fire and id give one a chance if a litter came up and i needed a dog :thumbs:

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this is my wheaton/gray x beddy/gray. 24"tts


was coming on great but he is now layed up threw injury. pray drive is threw the roof. ive not actually done a great deal with him and he has only had a dozen or so rabbits on the lamp so far but after the first 2 there all brought live back to hand.




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