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propper sick

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it happens mate...happened to me a few years back..just part and parcel of working dogs...you,ll eventually get over it...sorry for your loss by the way

alright fella absolutely gutted for you, i had a staffie that escaped from my garden 2 weeks ago and got hit.I was out looking for him most of the night in the fields and farms behind the house and up

Sorry to hear this mate. Cant be nice!


Maybe he thought he hit a cat/badger/fox etc? Possibly?


Or could of been an old woman too scared to stop in dark lanes? Maybe she went to police after to report it?


You could be right and it was in fact a right twat! But it's a bit harsh to just assume so?



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Did you get the number plate? I would have written it down and reported him for hitting my dog while on the lead and clipping me :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:


What would making a liar out of himself achieve? It wouldn't bring the dog back and he may just highlight that his dog was out of control. and cause road accidents.

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