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just wondering which cross you lads on here would have for everything pre ban?? eg deer fox hare rabbit!eg collie x? bull x? suzuki x what would you lads have doesnt matter how many breeds are in it just one that could do everything a jack of all trades??

probley going to get some right answers of the idiots but it will be good to see what lads would use!



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if you dont like it moo dont f*****g post!

cross is unimportant although everyone prefers certain types and crosses the most important thing is what were the parents grandparents are doing it and how there doing it This site is full of point

id have a pure whippet

cross is unimportant although everyone prefers certain types and crosses the most important thing is what were the parents grandparents are doing it and how there doing it

This site is full of pointless thread s about whats the best cross for this and that

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well i have 2 say deerhound/bull :thumbs:



Do you honestly believe a Deer x Bull is the best allrounder ?? How many dogs have you had or seen ? How long have you been into working Lurchers ? Seems a strange choice as an allrounder !



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cross is unimportant although everyone prefers certain types and crosses the most important thing is what were the parents grandparents are doing it and how there doing it

This site is full of pointless thread s about whats the best cross for this and that

Of course its important ye expect a bedlington/whippet to make a good all-rounder because it takes deer and fox regular :laugh: or a first cross bull grey to make a good rabbit and hare dog :laugh: and parents and grandparents doing a job doesnt guarentee a pup making it in the same role it just gives ye a better chance does it not if ye could guarentee every litter because the sire and dam did the job it would be so easy picking a pup would it not,and if the sites full of pointless threads why are ye reading the pointless thread and putting a pointless comment :laugh:

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