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You guys ever had trouble with horses this time of year

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Why the f**k would you walk a 4 year old through a field with 7 large horses with a dog? I dunno, its bad enough they let any c**t own a dog but something needs to happen to stop clowns from breedin

Whose land was it?   Whose horses are they?   What happened to the horses? Can't imagine having a bull cross "hanging off their necks" did them much good either...   Blimey.

horses are funny fuk**s, i have a few but one that i whip in hounds with and constantly has hounds aroundhim, under him, behind him and banging off him, but when i put him out in the field and take th

No offence mate but does it matter a feck if folk on the fourm think your dogs needs a vet, thats your call but i dont think a dog being booted around the field like a rugby ball will be peachy......If its coughing could have damaged a lung, i'd be at the vets if i thought the dog was injured, not on here waiting for 17 year old Ralph from Shropshire whos westie chased a blackbirds advice :thumbs:

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most likly collapsed a lung if thats the case it can be sorted and dog end up 100% in 6 weeks if you dont get it seen to and it is that he could be dead in the morning.

collapsed both my bitches lungs 2 months ago and shes running o.k now touch wood.

cost me £350 so a no brainer for me as she is a promising bitch.

Edited by baldockbanks courser
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If its lying down then hes prob ally OK,A blow to the chest ,coughing,and a heavy breathing= at least 2 weeks no running. Only you know whether it needs a vet,But you defiantly need another vet,if you cannot take your animals there,find one you can.

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Never ceases to amaze me what stupid planks manage to get hold of dogs.How many times a week do you read a post like this??????


If you have to ask if you should take your dog to a vet,then you should take it to a VET!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash:

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Hope your dog is okay but what about the horse?


Who's land was it? I cant imagine the horses owner is best pleased.


My sister keeps horses and they are unpredictable fuckers. I personally won't take the dogs near them if I can help it.



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