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Do it your self vet...how much do you risk doing?

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I do most minor stuff myself, and keep a good stock of bits and bobs for eyes, ears, cuts, pain, swelling, bad tummies etc. I've worked with vets in England and Africa on big game very closely and have a good enough knowledge to be confident in doing day to day stuff myself. I don't stitch as it is a skill that i feel is best left to a professional. However my vet is always my first point of call if i am at all unsure, he will always give me advice over the phone as he knows i do lots of stuff myself. 7 years at Vet school is undertaken for a reason. :thumbs:

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I reckon if you have to stop and wonder whether to take them to the vet or not, then you probably should do. I wouldn't sew up my own leg if i cut it open, or build my own garage, replace my car's e

It's very simple.... If you are not 100%, absolutely confident in what your'e doing; GO TO A VET !! Yeah, vets rip us off, but they know their job. If you try to do it yourself, and get it wrong, you

Skin tears, stapling, stitching, super gluing I will do myself, anything deeper, is a vets for me.   Minor infections, i'll sort myself, anything worse, to the vets.   Bones, muscles, eyes, vets.

I do most minor stuff myself, and keep a good stock of bits and bobs for eyes, ears, cuts, pain, swelling, bad tummies etc. I've worked with vets in England and Africa on big game very closely and have a good enough knowledge to be confident in doing day to day stuff myself. I don't stitch as it is a skill that i feel is best left to a professional. However my vet is always my first point of call if i am at all unsure, he will always give me advice over the phone as he knows i do lots of stuff myself. 7 years at Vet school is undertaken for a reason. :thumbs:


:thumbs: , my vet looks after greyhounds at the w-ton track, and he knows all about lurchers+ work we do with them. So he is really the right person for the job :thumbs:

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I do most minor stuff myself, and keep a good stock of bits and bobs for eyes, ears, cuts, pain, swelling, bad tummies etc. I've worked with vets in England and Africa on big game very closely and have a good enough knowledge to be confident in doing day to day stuff myself. I don't stitch as it is a skill that i feel is best left to a professional. However my vet is always my first point of call if i am at all unsure, he will always give me advice over the phone as he knows i do lots of stuff myself. 7 years at Vet school is undertaken for a reason. :thumbs:


:thumbs: , my vet looks after greyhounds at the w-ton track, and he knows all about lurchers+ work we do with them. So he is really the right person for the job :thumbs:



A good vet is worth their weight in gold. Mine is South African ( and an absolute perfect specimen of a man :icon_redface: ) and kept working ridgebacks for years, so he's more than realistic about working dogs, my 4 aren't out and out workers, more pets that do a bit, but the very nature of where i live means they still get in scrapes just out walking. :thumbs:

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Skin tears, stapling, stitching, super gluing I will do myself, anything deeper, is a vets for me.


Minor infections, i'll sort myself, anything worse, to the vets.


Bones, muscles, eyes, vets.

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One of the dogs got a good inch cut to her inner top thigh when out for a walk in the woods today (it was a deep open cut..no blood). Ive never done any home vetting so to speak and as usual took the dogs to the vets. He gave the dog two injections...forgot what for, one in the neck and one in the lower back. He then sorted the cut with four metal staples (look like metal anyway). I was also given a course of tablets and have to go back in ten days. The total cost (including the next visit) £85, which i suppose isn't too bad, but what shocked me was that he said if he had put her to sleep to do the staples it would have cost another £100...wow.


Anyway i was just wondering how much of your own vet work do you take on and how much do you think the average sensible person can be expected to do safely?



I think the answer is in your question "how much do you risk doing"? If I even wonder if I should see the vet I do. Yeah - they're expensive and a few do take the piss but on the whole I'd rather not take on anything I'm dubious about doing myself.

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Depends a lot on the dog as well my bitch has been stitched by a vet might i add with no pain relife or aneasthetic and fell asleep lol.My lad would have hit the roof.Some dogs can hack it more than others in that sense.My vet is excellent i have to admit he stitched terrier ear back together and on again as it was hanging and sorted to exposed ripped cartiledge they also saved her life when she got in a fight and ended up with a burst windpipe and some serious wounds.She was recently given a 20% chance of surviving an op she desperately needed to do a full hysterectomy and remove tumours and stuff from inside and she bounced through she amazes the vet dont get me wrong my insurance will be cursing my name lol but she got there and her only issue beleive it or not was putting weight on.Something usually bitches do very easy after loosing their girlie parts.Shes on arden grange now and alls going well shes banned from being anywhere near other dogs and only ever off if no ones around to ensure her safety.My saluki x who died was stapled on his tail and loin no problems too with no aneasthetic either

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Depends a lot on the dog as well my bitch has been stitched by a vet might i add with no pain relife or aneasthetic and fell asleep lol.My lad would have hit the roof.Some dogs can hack it more than others in that sense.My vet is excellent i have to admit he stitched terrier ear back together and on again as it was hanging and sorted to exposed ripped cartiledge they also saved her life when she got in a fight and ended up with a burst windpipe and some serious wounds.She was recently given a 20% chance of surviving an op she desperately needed to do a full hysterectomy and remove tumours and stuff from inside and she bounced through she amazes the vet dont get me wrong my insurance will be cursing my name lol but she got there and her only issue beleive it or not was putting weight on.Something usually bitches do very easy after loosing their girlie parts.Shes on arden grange now and alls going well shes banned from being anywhere near other dogs and only ever off if no ones around to ensure her safety.My saluki x who died was stapled on his tail and loin no problems too with no aneasthetic either

some can some carnt :thumbs:
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Skin tears, stapling, stitching, super gluing I will do myself, anything deeper, is a vets for me.


Minor infections, i'll sort myself, anything worse, to the vets.


Bones, muscles, eyes, vets.




i think,, if its somthing your prepaered to do on your own body.

heres a pic of my finger ,,, i stitched myself



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you should of used super glue on the little cut


yes , but i didnt have any,,, so got the needle out for some practice :thumbs:


Jesus Tomo :sick: ... I'd have fainted. You must be well 'ard, stitching yourself up like that :laugh:

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you should of used super glue on the little cut


yes , but i didnt have any,,, so got the needle out for some practice :thumbs:


Jesus Tomo :sick: ... I'd have fainted. You must be well 'ard, stitching yourself up like that :laugh:


cors i am ,,, im northern :D

to be honest its only a little prick just outside each flap of

skin :whistling: ............................................................................................................ you know where this is going dont ya :laugh:

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