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Gurkhas are badass!

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I have had the absolute pleasure to deal with some of these fellas who were based in Kent

I have never met such decent people, they try to be what their idea of "British" is, they are honest decent hardworking

often taking very menial low paid jobs when they come out, usually after 23 years service

They do not have extended families, they have a wife and a small number of kids, they do sometimes have their parents live with them

who strangely enough have usually served as well

If there are any areas where they have "moved in and taken over" i seriously doubt that they have anything but good for the area

and as they are usually getting very little money the thought of these people moving into our less salubrious areas and making them better brings a very big smile to my face, i would really love some of the armchair hard-men to go toe to toe with one of these fellas, it really would make my day

They are and will remain an extremely welcome addition to any area of the country that they settle in



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I have had the absolute pleasure to deal with some of these fellas who were based in Kent I have never met such decent people, they try to be what their idea of "British" is, they are honest decent h

im 50 years old and i went to school with lads who were periodically in borstal and have never done a days work in the 34 years since they left school.i know which one i would rather have living next

Maybe the locals couldnt be bothered to get off they're arse to take the work, surely if the work was there before the Nepalese arrived then nobody wanted it. more like they rather sit on they arse an

Now I am seriously against immigration and what it has done to this country but these guys deserve to be here more than any other immigrants and I would welcome everyone of them with oPen arms. These people fight for this country and DIE for this country and I can't believe anyone is against them and their family coming when they have earnt that right and privilege through generations now even these other pakis Somalis all the rest have no loyalty whatsoever to us or the country only here for what they can scrounge n rape off the country and I'm proud this race of people still have the balls to fight foe this country when most of our own white British youth are going round thinking there yardies from Kingston when if they were on front line they would be crying for there mum I heard a while ago do t k ow how true but when the Gurkhas retired back in Nepal they didn't even get the same pension as someone here think it changed now but only recently

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Don't get me wrong

Of all the people that have been allowed to live in this country they are top of the list


When they signed up nowhere did it say you and your extended family can move to this country

They were paid to do a job


mate i enjoy most of the posts on this forum and also enjoy taking the piss


as much as the next man and by the way i am out of work at this time but having


worked with these people i wish them and their relatives the very best of luck


with their job search


but as for you mate you could always FCUK OFF to Nepal as there would appear to


be enough room for you and :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: like you over there


rant over :blush:

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anyone who serves for queen and country deserves a home over here,its the others from all

other countries that have flooded britain and bought it to its knees,no jobs,houses more crime

wake up mr cameron oh and of course the hunting act hurry up lol

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im 50 years old and i went to school with lads who were periodically in borstal and have never done a days work in the 34 years since they left school.i know which one i would rather have living next door or buy a beer down the boozer, some home grown lazy robbing smackhead twat or a foreign decent bloke willing to give his life for this country and then work for a living when hes finished doing that.

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I cant get on the link, but is this the guy I saw on the news Fri night who, whilst his mates were sleeping, on his own killed 30 Taliban in 15 minutes using:


250 Machine gun rounds

150 Rifle rounds

17 Hand grenades

1 Claymore

1 Machine gun tripod

1 Sandbag



Or is that something else? Because that bloke was hard as nails and deserves everything he wants :notworthy::gunsmilie:

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Not so great when yer got 1500 or so move into the area and take every fooking job going


Do you not realise what they've done for us in the past and still continue to do?


If I had it my way, I'd give all those Ghurka's that have seen active service the right to live in this country.

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Not so great when yer got 1500 or so move into the area and take every fooking job going


Do you not realise what they've done for us in the past and still continue to do?


If I had it my way, I'd give all those Ghurka's that have seen active service the right to live in this country.


:thumbs: ..I'd also welcome their extended families with open arms. :yes: Their whole culture considers it the ultimate honour to serve the UK in her army. Contrast that with these other c**ts who turn up here with no respect for this country, it's people & then start plotting against it & denouncing it's whole way of life.. :yes::thumbs:

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Not so great when yer got 1500 or so move into the area and take every fooking job going


Do you not realise what they've done for us in the past and still continue to do?


If I had it my way, I'd give all those Ghurka's that have seen active service the right to live in this country.


:thumbs: ..I'd also welcome their extended families with open arms. :yes: Their whole culture considers it the ultimate honour to serve the UK in her army. Contrast that with these other c**ts who turn up here with no respect for this country, it's people & then start plotting against it & denouncing it's whole way of life.. :yes :thumbs:


Spot on mate :good: .

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