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A question to the coursing guys

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I'm new to all of this but find it facinating to read of all you guys knowledge of dogs and their breeding. My question, is what's the beef with Hancock and his dogs? What's his story, i see him writing for CMW, and advertsing dogs in the back each months. What's his background, he doesn't strike me as the type of guy that's out late at night with a lamp...

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p. s. forgot to mention this. its all about getting up with dog getting in car and most important thing of all is HAVING FUN AND ENJOYING IT. dont worry about what he has or what u got with tod

r30 years of breeding.Salukis bred into old fashioned rough lurchers ,then the best to the best or a sticker to a speedy one to complement each other t get what weve got now,dogs with everything

I only make jibes at stupid off the mark comments ! I dont claim to be an expert but do know a bit about a coursing dog.Yeah my old mongrels win matches,but Something purpose bred is not a mongrel.You

  On 26/03/2011 at 08:13, whin said:

make yourown asumptions and not glean other peoples knowledge you tit


Maybe i am making assumtions, you're right, i shouldn't do, but like i said i'm new to this and can only go on what i've read. I was asking mainl i nreference to his breeding

Sorry fo being a tit!

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bloodlines mean everything. ho w can 40 yrs of breeding and still producing be wrong where so many have have failed. it is to do with the men as well. the names mentioned on here with teh dogs are only an example of men with dogs . there loads of credit goes to men what never wanted priase just wanted to run and test there dogs to the max.this internet produces legends and everyone has a good dog or world beater. before teh internet for those who wanted to prove they had teh best was too match it AGAISNT THE BEST. before teh ban it was a case off if u talked teh talk u had to walk the walk .merlin eve still producing good stuff look at barney, buddy, jack.benji, to name a few. my personal view is to get a stud dog whats producing good stuff but even more important get a bitch that has been tested to teh max on field fen and black and mix teh 2 togehter it doesnt always work but out of teh line i like once, u get a good un u get a good un and thats what we strive for is that dog in a million. one last point weakneses will come out wether its horses pidgeons chickens or dogs.

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I've got nothing to divulge - like i said i know next to nothing and was just asking a question in reference to the original thread. I can guess that my question was probably stupid but you've not told me anything. I'm interested in what you guys have got to talk about, you obviously know your dogs. I don/t, why make me out to be a prick? He's obviously got nothing to do with it from your replies. Sorry for asking.


Now i do feel like a tit for being a part of another thread which goes off topic.



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  On 25/03/2011 at 18:51, baz said:

to many people in coursing worry about grandparents great grandparents of dog they have instead of concentrating on running and being happy with what they have now...... they breed because of bloodlines instead of performance... i know bloodlines are important but just because its bred from such and such doesnt mean its worth a carrot.... i think certain lines of dogs produce dogs as good as parents..but if you look at the big names in dogs ie..dancer=blondie both greats owned by same guy... snowy and foxy bred and ran by same guy.... captain,splodge ran by same guy..lucky tina etc its more down to the guy feeding and training i think..they have success with a dog breed from it and put same commitment into that one and have success again

i agree with you Baz people are breeding on the strength of the bloodline without fully testing the parents.The dog or bitch one day could bump into MrRight and get found out!then you could find yourself surounded by pups out of second rate stuff! a lot of it is the man behind the dog,but the greats are born not made

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p. s. forgot to mention this. its all about getting up with dog getting in car and most important thing of all is HAVING FUN AND ENJOYING IT. dont worry about what he has or what u got with todays police involvement where u cant fart if u have a lurcher we should all be as one. and enjoying each others dogs instead of worrying about them . hope u all have a good summer and your dogs get fat

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  On 26/03/2011 at 10:46, madhare hunter said:
  On 26/03/2011 at 01:31, BOLIO1 said:

Here's a shot of Bruce aged about 4 weeks Bluebear, the one you gave back....



thats a cracker wish i had 1 like it,Why did he give it back. :thumbs:

id plenty in the yard at time think i told bolioi he would get it if i was parting think i kept it for a couple months

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  On 26/03/2011 at 11:04, bluebear said:
  On 26/03/2011 at 10:46, madhare hunter said:
  On 26/03/2011 at 01:31, BOLIO1 said:

Here's a shot of Bruce aged about 4 weeks Bluebear, the one you gave back....



thats a cracker wish i had 1 like it,Why did he give it back. :thumbs:

id plenty in the yard at time think i told bolioi he would get it if i was parting think i kept it for a couple months


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You told me some pal had told you it would be no good for Ireland as it had ears like a spaniel. That's neither here nor there. I bred the litter to get something to hunt with, not to engage in dick measuring contests with other dog men. Gambling on the outcome of a hunt would spoil the whole point of the excercise for me. As Karlsberg says, it's all about enjoying the runs, both dog and hare. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the quality of another mans dog who does run for money.

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