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  On 27/03/2011 at 21:08, stubblebasher said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 20:51, nancy said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 20:37, bluebear said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 20:15, nancy said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 19:20, Catcher 1 said:

£750 For stud.It,s all geting a bit out of hand.Only a fool would pay it.:thumbs:

i agree mate it sounds like its al about the money

he will never get any credit till he matches one of the big shots

its lurchers were talking about working mans sport whatever happend to a pup for a service or a resonable fee top class greyhounds dont cost this much its a joke for people to be trying to charge there fellow hunters that sort of money like i said earlier its all about the money :thumbdown:

its all high risk now to get dogs where you want them ,so this partly forces the values up.The other reason is the amount of money lads have got because of the other game !

You know mate. spot on. iv said this loads of times on here. at the end of the day its not for me but each to there own. They know what will happen when it comes on top for them, and I judge people on how they treat me and dont ask were they get there money from im not a tax man or gaver.


It is pushing alot of working class lurcher fellas into lamping and ferreting. THEY CANT SPEND THERE MONEY ON ANYTHING ELSE so a lurcher is an investment with no paper work and if it runs good an excellent investment, breeding, matching and stud fees or re sell for more.


the problem lies when you leave 10,000 in what is in affect is a garden shed, and then youv got ruthless brazing liberty taking people coming to take it and unless your prepaired to front them your dogs gone.


thats why the jobs f**ked proper *uc***.

Edited by baldockbanks courser
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A dog doesn't have to be running for money to show it's quality. The hare neither knows nor cares whether you're betting on the outcome,.....it's running for it's life every time. Any dog that can go


  On 27/03/2011 at 21:22, BOLIO1 said:

The stud fee isn't the issue, the bigotry agin those of us who live in Northern Ireland is and it's not the first snidey remark from this individual.

ye always get the odd 1 mate take it he s the lad with the heroin in em :black eye:

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  On 27/03/2011 at 21:26, baldockbanks courser said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 21:08, stubblebasher said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 20:51, nancy said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 20:37, bluebear said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 20:15, nancy said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 19:20, Catcher 1 said:

£750 For stud.It,s all geting a bit out of hand.Only a fool would pay it.:thumbs:

i agree mate it sounds like its al about the money

he will never get any credit till he matches one of the big shots

its lurchers were talking about working mans sport whatever happend to a pup for a service or a resonable fee top class greyhounds dont cost this much its a joke for people to be trying to charge there fellow hunters that sort of money like i said earlier its all about the money :thumbdown:

its all high risk now to get dogs where you want them ,so this partly forces the values up.The other reason is the amount of money lads have got because of the other game !

You know mate. spot on. iv said this loads of times on here. at the end of the day its not for me but each to there own. They know what will happen when it comes on top for them, and I judge people on how they treat me and dont ask were they get there money from im not a tax man or gaver.


It is pushing alot of working class lurcher fellas into lamping and ferreting. THEY CANT SPEND THERE MONEY ON ANYTHING ELSE so a lurcher is an investment with no paper work and if it runs good an excellent investment, breeding, matching and stud fees or re sell for more.


the problem lies when you leave 10,000 in what is in affect is a garden shed, and then youv got ruthless brazing liberty taking people coming to take it and unless your prepaired to front them your dogs gone.


thats why the jobs f**ked proper *uc***.

mad offered 10000 six weeks ago and now he s for stud lol. but i hear hes a powerfull dog just telephone numbers for most of us

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  On 27/03/2011 at 22:20, bluebear said:
  On 26/03/2011 at 21:10, aisling3 said:

750 a jump all these northy c**ts should stay away from the heroin

you should be barred for causing trouble dont need :wankerzo4: like you

ye blue bear he sounds like a winde up merchant with a chip on his shoulder prob not even a real dub

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  On 27/03/2011 at 22:30, nancy said:
  On 27/03/2011 at 22:20, bluebear said:
  On 26/03/2011 at 21:10, aisling3 said:

750 a jump all these northy c**ts should stay away from the heroin

you should be barred for causing trouble dont need :wankerzo4: like you

ye blue bear he sounds like a winde up merchant with a chip on his shoulder prob not even a real dub

Would not worry about him he never had a dog until he got one from the north now he think he is bee all and end all.

People need get get this £750 out off your head off being a lot off money because its not.

If your going use this dog or any other dog around that price to service a bitch you have your not going keep the whole litter yourself.

So who ever is wanting a pup can wack in for the service 4 people works out £187.50 no much for good coursing pup.

At the end off the day you can put the best to the best it does not mean your going get the best.

Edited by iceman001979
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  On 27/03/2011 at 21:26, baldockbanks courser said:


the problem lies when you leave 10,000 in what is in affect is a garden shed, and then youv got ruthless brazing liberty taking people coming to take it and unless your prepaired to front them your dogs gone.


thats why the jobs f**ked proper *uc***.


well said mate couldnt do it myself the dogs sleep in the house at night with a guard dog just incase if you value your dogs it not worth taking the risk of leaving them out in a wooden hut or even a padlocked metal run. theiving c**ts want something they will take it no matter what :censored:

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well im the man who owns the dog,i,ll put record straight. The dog is £500 a service but on my last trip to England Mr Jefford has paid for straws to be taken from the dog and kept in a sperm bank. Reason being I live in Ireland and couldn't come over every time to serve a bitch. I was able to serve Nooney's bitch because I was over that weekend but now the season is over I wont be over. As I say £500 is my service fee and the other £250 is the vets fee for putting straws in the bitch. Testing what day she is at her peak and in thirty days after straws entered to bitch you take your bitch back and the vet will tell if she in pup or not. This seems to be the new way forward the dog Barney is doing straws now and I have just spoke with S Gaskin and he getting straws taken from his old dog tramp. Im not a match man im in the game for fun but Fen Boss stop hidding behind a computer make yourself known and in winter I'll run you no problem. All them top men in the country mans ad have seen my dog run all winter in Boston fens,blankley,woodhallspa,hull,newark,cambridge,ths is why these men reckon he the best in years cuz he,s run and done the job everywhere.where,s ur dog armchair man.

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  On 28/03/2011 at 10:37, gorger said:

well im the man who owns the dog,i,ll put record straight. The dog is £500 a service but on my last trip to England Mr Jefford has paid for straws to be taken from the dog and kept in a sperm bank. Reason being I live in Ireland and couldn't come over every time to serve a bitch. I was able to serve Nooney's bitch because I was over that weekend but now the season is over I wont be over. As I say £500 is my service fee and the other £250 is the vets fee for putting straws in the bitch. Testing what day she is at her peak and in thirty days after straws entered to bitch you take your bitch back and the vet will tell if she in pup or not. This seems to be the new way forward the dog Barney is doing straws now and I have just spoke with S Gaskin and he getting straws taken from his old dog tramp. Im not a match man im in the game for fun but Fen Boss stop hidding behind a computer make yourself known and in winter I'll run you no problem. All them top men in the country mans ad have seen my dog run all winter in Boston fens,blankley,woodhallspa,hull,newark,cambridge,ths is why these men reckon he the best in years cuz he,s run and done the job everywhere.where,s ur dog armchair man.

I ant dobting the dogs good if I had a dog that I was confident could kill 3 id run you but I ant. you run the hares so as long as you kill yours It dont matter what your dog can do.

If he was doing the job why didnt you match him ?

next time your in cambridge next year ill try sort this race out if you like.

im not a leary fella shouting my mouth off ill just put you in touch with a man who will run you.

talks cheap GET ON AND WIN SOME MATCHES then put him at stud or straws what ever ! !

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  On 28/03/2011 at 15:23, iceman001979 said:

Does a dog or bitch have too win matches to make a name in the coursing world????

Or can dog be one off the best with out matching????

Lots of dogs get a good name without running matches,but they have to consistently kill 3s in the right place,at the right time,in front of the right men. Trouble is,dogs can get talked up!If they are consistent match winners, they are doing it in front of different crowds so that cant be argued with,the results are there.

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well said ice man,i,ve a lota good [bANNED TEXT],s in eng hav sum top dogs e.g (mr reid)who has been very good to me,so i,d never match a [bANNED TEXT]. ths dog mowed them on balldock v hot now signs everywhere.

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