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What bait?

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I'm going dwn to teignmouth on the weekend and woundering what bait to use , any ideas? Cheers all



either peeler crab... or on the back beach theres a a bloke who sells live sandeel


ive heard of a few small bass been caught near the bridge

and still a few flonders being caught :thumbs:


let me no how you get on

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I tryed the sand ell last year but didn't get bugger all (bar a crab)



was it big lol


you could try peelers then mate.....you night catch 2 crabs :thumbs:


have you fished hopes nose about 5 miles from teignmouth....worth a try

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Quick update, we use lug and rag worm and crab, but jack s@@t was caught. I haven't been to the nose but going to look into it


i never do well on that estary and ive fished it alot of times

sayin that i have wittnesed some nice fish being caught there


next time ur down pm me and ill show you some good marks near there


ive also got my own peeler traps so you wont need to fork out on bait :thumbs:

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Thats a great offer on the peelers mate :thumbs:


If your gonna fish live eels in the estuary you need to leave your beach gear at home, fish with a light rod ( coarse gear ,barbel rod or even match rod) and no more than 8lb line or braid on a small spinning reel. Attach a swivel and a 4-6ft trace and tie on a size 4 or 6 carp type hook. Lip hook the live eel and flick it out into the current and let it go with the flow (no weight) ( similar to stick float fishing in a river) there's no way you'll catch crabs and hopefully you'll catch some fish. If they've got eels on the back beach chances are there'll be a few fish in the estuary thats what they're after.

To be honest it's a bit early yet another month or so and there should be a few about.

good luck for next time mate :thumbs:

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