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out 2 day

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out two day checking a few earths and doing some bits of cover ,we had a hard frost last night so thought we might have struck in the holes but nothing at home,so done some bits of cover and got 5 and missed 3 ,frankie and his mate and young lad was up with us for the day,frankies younng lurcher accounted for a good dog fox and might have had more if his owner wasnt day dreaming :icon_redface: ha ha,but we had a good days crack with plenty of stick being dished out.

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out to day again frankie got three an missed four ,there was a couple of day dreamers out to day like yourself ha ha ,the farmer showed me some great earths that were stinking of foxes just waiting for the [bANNED TEXT] weather to get them in.how did charlies pups get on last nite ,this oneis getting spoilt now

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