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biking your dogs.

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Okay lads and lasses never really used to be one for biking my dogs but decided I would to get the weight off my beddy/whippet. How far would you bike them on there first time by the bike. He is bang on next to the bike. He is in a decent enough shape just not tip-top I biked him about three miles or so and plan to do the same later. He isnt really a pup hes about 19-20 months. So how far do you bike your dogs? And when would you advise me to start upping the distance. No silly aswers or daft comments im asking a genuine question as I wouldnt want to fu.ck my dogs feet or out. Atb samstorm

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just do afew mile at first if your dogs starts 2 tire when you know its had enough,feet should,nt be a problem if you take it easy ,i am winding down the bike work now as they already in tip top con as my season never over as i get callouts 2 do bits a bobs,i will start putting the miles back in about july /aug ,the bike is a very good way 2 keep you and your dogs fit

Edited by rocky1
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if its never done it before, start on 1/2 a mile and build up, youll see how far the dog will be able to go, and give it a 5 min breather if its starting to flounder.


DO NOT start on a few miles, as the dog will sicken to it, and it will be harder in the future to get him into it.

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The dog has done it before mate just that I have no experience in biking a lurcher. He was fine with what we done but its absolutely roasting hot now so wont be going again till later on. I think I need it aswell as the dog tbh so we will be okay hah. He didnt tire at all whilst out on the bike no tounge out or nothing stopped once or twice to let him piss or shyte so it was bang on. Quality time with my wee sam haha atb

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hello mate,

i have always biked my dogs, i have done it most days for 39 years, i have 3 salukis which i bike with now, 3 miles a day every day does them good, you dont need to do loads, thumbs.gif

a bit of biking a bit of walking and regular work, you cant go wrong, thumbs.gif



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dogs feet will b fine pal aslong as you dont go to fast give it 5-6 miles a day mon-fri rest sat n sun dog will be in cracker shape soon atb tbear


That's alot of miles if that is during a season, I like mine to work and rest between, get them doing more fitness in the run up to the season but not so much during.

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dogs feet will b fine pal aslong as you dont go to fast give it 5-6 miles a day mon-fri rest sat n sun dog will be in cracker shape soon atb tbear


That's alot of miles if that is during a season, I like mine to work and rest between, get them doing more fitness in the run up to the season but not so much during.

totally agree av the best on the feild not the tarmac do you still keep birds richie10

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