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Long nets

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  On 23/03/2011 at 16:07, bunnyboiler said:






is this the type of thing i should be looking for and do i have to buy the pegs separate ?


The nets in that link only have 50% bag totally useless. If your buying off of ebay make sure that the advert says that the nets have 100% bag or slack.



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thanks for the replys lads ive found some nets what do you reckon to these 100% 50 yards £32 http://jbsnets.co.uk/shop/product_info.php?products_id=4786&design=&dm=http://jbsnets.co.uk/shop/&d_num=&osCsid=c580c5a1d78c1621620503dbd00aca24



plus these poles Fibre glass longnet poles - supplied complete with instructions and two PVC plastic grommets per pole. 915mm long, 12mm dia, colour black. We now have white end poles too. Please state colour required when ordering.


1 – 10 poles….. £3.95 per pole 10 or more poles ….. £3.70 per


is there anything else i need :hmm: cheers Dean

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if your new to longnetting i would start with a 25yd as 50 might be to big




the chap in the link will sort you out with 4z any length you like and all his will have 100% bagging..


as for peg to peg..its a fantastic book

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  On 30/03/2011 at 17:23, smithie said:

if your new to longnetting i would start with a 25yd as 50 might be to big




the chap in the link will sort you out with 4z any length you like and all his will have 100% bagging..


as for peg to peg..its a fantastic book

The fella in the above ebay thread is Great his name is Allan and he will help you a hell of a lot of advice, as regards the peg to peg book I got from Amazon for £11 I couldn't find a second hand 1 anywhere.

Give Allan a call.


Edited by lurcher-man-Roy
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  On 30/03/2011 at 13:59, bunnyboiler said:

thanks for the replys lads ive found some nets what do you reckon to these 100% 50 yards £32 http://jbsnets.co.uk...20503dbd00aca24



plus these poles Fibre glass longnet poles - supplied complete with instructions and two PVC plastic grommets per pole. 915mm long, 12mm dia, colour black. We now have white end poles too. Please state colour required when ordering.


1 10 poles….. £3.95 per pole 10 or more poles ….. £3.70 per


is there anything else i need :hmm: cheers Dean

Good windy moon less nights a pegging jacket and a long bant line. Unless your useing them in the day instead of purse nets. Edited by poacher3161
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