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if you trust your ferret to do the job and like the blood line who cares .just as long as you are happy with them .as you should no small sized ferrets can have a hard time with a big rabbit even if they are every game

Edited by burny2011
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Ive never had a problem with my jills bolting rabbits and ive dug out a good few as well till i got the last two lots of permission big old sandy warrens and the burrows there that big they look like fox earths , You would get a mark remove the top spit check your mark start digging and find the rabbits kicked itself along the burrow the jill just couldn't hold them mid burrow i tried putting another jill in and using two to hold the rabbit if they couldnt kill it till dug to .After having to dig two, three holes to get a rabbit i got two hob kits and they do the business one dig and your on your rabbit ,

Theres nought wrong with my jills they just dont do the business on the last two farms but over the rest of my ground they do .So each to there own its all down to the ground you work ,have the rabbits seen a ferret before ?. then ferret size comes into it .

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