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silkies questions?????

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They wouldn't need their wings clipping if they are pure silkies, the fence would be plenty high enough at 4ft and even a small garden would be ample room for a trio.

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They wouldn't need their wings clipping if they are pure silkies, the fence would be plenty high enough at 4ft and even a small garden would be ample room for a trio.

thankyou mate to be honest its my mum who is thinking about them,also another maybe daft question but she wonders will they live happily with a couple of rabbits

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cheers mate,the area is a decent size,it has a 6 foot fence all the way round,is their any others she could consider that wouldnt clear that


polish bantams, pekins, japanese bantams, ko shamo.... depends on what she wants in a bird?

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ive had silkies for years.great little birds 4ft fence ample. dont need alot of space but the more you can give them the better. easily tamed. tough little birds regarding the cold but dont cope with wet weather get sodden very quickley.mine have been good layers when they are not broody.as broodie birds they are hard to beat and make good mothers.they even go broody in the middle of winter. i wouldnt be without them.

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cheers for the answers,she just wants them for the grand kids to see realy or thats what she tells me and the odd couple of eggs,she has an area probally 20ft,by 30 ft were she keeps 2 rabbits,theirs a concreate area and a little grass,like i said its fenced off 6 foot all round,she would prefer not to have to get wings clipped as she dont know much about it but if she had to it wouldnt be a problem

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cheers for the answers,she just wants them for the grand kids to see realy or thats what she tells me and the odd couple of eggs,she has an area probally 20ft,by 30 ft were she keeps 2 rabbits,theirs a concreate area and a little grass,like i said its fenced off 6 foot all round,she would prefer not to have to get wings clipped as she dont know much about it but if she had to it wouldnt be a problem


polish bantams, pekins and silkies would get along together fine and are all docile breeds mostly.

all come in a variety of colours as well;


silkies; white, red, blue, buff are common enough colours http://www.thesilkieclubofgreatbritain.co.uk/index.php?section=15


polish bantams mainly come in black with white crests but also come in chamois, cuckoo etc, there is also a frizzle polish which is a funny looking thing, i have 1 of those as well! http://www.polishbreedersclub.com/apps/forums/topics/show/468495-looking-for-polish-bantams-polish-frizzels-fl


pekins come in a lot of colours; black, millefleur, lemon cuckoo, lavender, chocolate are a few of the colours ive seen a lot of lately http://www.pekinbantamclub.co.uk/

Edited by CarraghsGem
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cheers for the answers,she just wants them for the grand kids to see realy or thats what she tells me and the odd couple of eggs,she has an area probally 20ft,by 30 ft were she keeps 2 rabbits,theirs a concreate area and a little grass,like i said its fenced off 6 foot all round,she would prefer not to have to get wings clipped as she dont know much about it but if she had to it wouldnt be a problem


polish bantams, pekins and silkies would get along together fine and are all docile breeds mostly.

all come in a variety of colours as well;


silkies; white, red, blue, buff are common enough colours

polish bantams mainly come in black with white crests but also come in chamois, cuckoo etc, there is also a frizzle polish which is a funny looking thing, i have 1 of those as well!

pekins come in a lot of colours; black, millefleur, lemon cuckoo, lavender, chocolate are a few of the colours ive seen a lot of lately


thanks again,will any of the ones you mention need wings clipping

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cheers for the answers,she just wants them for the grand kids to see realy or thats what she tells me and the odd couple of eggs,she has an area probally 20ft,by 30 ft were she keeps 2 rabbits,theirs a concreate area and a little grass,like i said its fenced off 6 foot all round,she would prefer not to have to get wings clipped as she dont know much about it but if she had to it wouldnt be a problem


polish bantams, pekins and silkies would get along together fine and are all docile breeds mostly.

all come in a variety of colours as well;


silkies; white, red, blue, buff are common enough colours

polish bantams mainly come in black with white crests but also come in chamois, cuckoo etc, there is also a frizzle polish which is a funny looking thing, i have 1 of those as well!

pekins come in a lot of colours; black, millefleur, lemon cuckoo, lavender, chocolate are a few of the colours ive seen a lot of lately


thanks again,will any of the ones you mention need wings clipping



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there wont be any need to clip silkies wings. the only problem she would have is them going broodie. the silkies i have owned would sit forever. i raise chicks each year so its not a problem. but if they go broodie in winter i have to stop them. i do this to stop them- put a nest box with a 1 inch mesh floor raised on bricks[unconfortable for the bird to sit] remove any eggs layed by other birds each day. usually takes a week. i know people will have other ways but this suits me.

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