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What is the Hunting Season ?

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Depends what you are hunting. There are official seasons for game. For rabbits (classed as pests) and other pests there is no official season, but most pack it in when stuff starts to breed heavily, due to a whole host of reasons, including the preservation of their quarry stock. Some however need to continue for various reasons (pest control etc), or just don't give a f**k.

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Depends what you are hunting. There are official seasons for game. For rabbits (classed as pests) and other pests there is no official season, but most pack it in when stuff starts to breed heavily, due to a whole host of reasons, including the preservation of their quarry stock. Some however need to continue for various reasons (pest control etc), or just don't give a f**k.

I get you, thanks gov

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only hunt from Sep to Mar, unless we get a call out, cant be arsed hunting when quarry has young, also in the heat my dogs suffer as bad as me. I see it all the time lads catching all yr then when the season starts the classic is wheres all the bunnies etc.

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Beggining of april to the end of august on dry nights and sunny days are best, lot of young about so there easier to catch also less chance of getting a cold and your tracky and trainers dirty as the ground harder.

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Beggining of april to the end of august on dry nights and sunny days are best, lot of young about so there easier to catch also less chance of getting a cold and your tracky and trainers dirty as the ground harder.

Ha ha!...... You are joking? Right? :icon_redface:

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