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dog not mateing bitch

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my patterdale dog is not mateing my bitch shes in sesson shes backing up to him tail going over.but its like he dont no whut to do hes 5 year old but hes never sired before.whut do you think ?

Relax and let themplay a bit he will get there or she ll make him

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well mate the easy way to sort that out is let the dog watch you in action then he might follow :whistling: :whistling:

we all no you like it up the back side mate.

now now mate no need to bite like that and i never said anything about any backside you must be thinking of the backside you dirty c**t if you ask silly things you will get silly answers

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Put the bitch on a collar and lead and secure. Moisten your finger (they dont like it dry) and slowly massage the dogs arsehole, when he goes rigid still push your finger up his arse. Let both dog and bitch loose whilst you wash your hands.

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Put the bitch on a collar and lead and secure. Moisten your finger (they dont like it dry) and slowly massage the dogs arsehole, when he goes rigid still push your finger up his arse. Let both dog and bitch loose whilst you wash your hands.

i didn't see you do that the other week when you was here :hmm::laugh:

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Put the bitch on a collar and lead and secure. Moisten your finger (they dont like it dry) and slowly massage the dogs arsehole, when he goes rigid still push your finger up his arse. Let both dog and bitch loose whilst you wash your hands.

i didn't see you do that the other week when you was here :hmm::laugh:


Took me a while to get him going.... lol

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