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Question 1: If your child was waiting for treatment for cancer which was imminent would you book a holiday?

Question 2: If you found out the treatment was to happen at the same time as your holiday would you be happy to have the treatment postponed until a more convenient time?

Im very curious to see what peoples opinions are here.

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Those two questions are just the tip of the iceberg. As annonymous as i possibly can be; heres the scenario;

Father had lump 5 years ago was told it wasnt cancerous.

7 year old child has lump last year discovered it was cancerous, lump removed.

A hereditary disorder discovered and it turns out fathers lump was indeed cancerous too but he is clear now.

Both father and son have to have radioactive iodene treatment, son first, then father later this year as fathers is just a precaution.

Father can stay with son during treatment which lasts two days, mother cant as son will be radioactive.

Father books holiday knowing treatment is imminent.

Mother gets phone call from Doctor with dates of treatment - same as fathers holiday.

Father wont cancel holiday, willing to re organise treatment.


Am I wrong in being a little bit angry/ upset that a father could do this? I honestly dispair at some people at times. :blink:

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i think the word you are looking for is C U N T


that is honestly shocking that anyone could even consider that. Poor little lad


maybe think of what the guy has been through himself! hed cancer and now hes clear maybe that makes your thinkin a little different to anyone else! reckon if id had it id maybe a little selfish. my thoughts go out to the little boy and with all my best wishes i hope he recovers and lives a long and healthy life! butto be fair this is a hunting forum and the morals of individuals with a family problem is not the sort of thing that should really be discussed! and if the poster of this thread is involved in the treatment of the said family! WRONG!!





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i think the word you are looking for is C U N T


that is honestly shocking that anyone could even consider that. Poor little lad


maybe think of what the guy has been through himself! hed cancer and now hes clear maybe that makes your thinkin a little different to anyone else! reckon if id had it id maybe a little selfish. my thoughts go out to the little boy and with all my best wishes i hope he recovers and lives a long and healthy life! butto be fair this is a hunting forum and the morals of individuals with a family problem is not the sort of thing that should really be discussed! and if the poster of this thread is involved in the treatment of the said family! WRONG!!






Im not involved in any of the treatment of the family, I live in the same street as the little boy. I just cant understand the mentality thats all.

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i think the word you are looking for is C U N T


that is honestly shocking that anyone could even consider that. Poor little lad


maybe think of what the guy has been through himself! hed cancer and now hes clear maybe that makes your thinkin a little different to anyone else! reckon if id had it id maybe a little selfish. my thoughts go out to the little boy and with all my best wishes i hope he recovers and lives a long and healthy life! butto be fair this is a hunting forum and the morals of individuals with a family problem is not the sort of thing that should really be discussed! and if the poster of this thread is involved in the treatment of the said family! WRONG!!






Im not involved in any of the treatment of the family, I live in the same street as the little boy. I just cant understand the mentality thats all.


tis maybe wrong in your eyes but until you have lived through similar circumstances do not judge! messed up people make messed up decisions and thats a part of life! just support them if they are friends as much as you can. noet having a go and really hope with all my heart there is a happy ending!



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i think the word you are looking for is C U N T


that is honestly shocking that anyone could even consider that. Poor little lad


maybe think of what the guy has been through himself! hed cancer and now hes clear maybe that makes your thinkin a little different to anyone else! reckon if id had it id maybe a little selfish. my thoughts go out to the little boy and with all my best wishes i hope he recovers and lives a long and healthy life! butto be fair this is a hunting forum and the morals of individuals with a family problem is not the sort of thing that should really be discussed! and if the poster of this thread is involved in the treatment of the said family! WRONG!!






Im not involved in any of the treatment of the family, I live in the same street as the little boy. I just cant understand the mentality thats all.


tis maybe wrong in your eyes but until you have lived through similar circumstances do not judge! messed up people make messed up decisions and thats a part of life! just support them if they are friends as much as you can. noet having a go and really hope with all my heart there is a happy ending!




How can it be anything other than wrong in any half right thinking person's eye's. You're logic it utterly flawed, John and if you think the poor lads dad can justify his decision based on the fact that he happens to be clear (for now...) then you're as bad as him, IMO.

Edited by andyfr1968
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Maybe he has promised the kid this holiday and it would bitterly disappoint the child to cancel it? How long of a delay in treatment are we talking about here....two days? two weeks? two months? Maybe a short delay will have little impact on the prognosis (good or bad) but the child may benefit from the holiday, is it the last holiday he is likely to have? I'ts impossible to say without knowing the facts.

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