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Firstly does it state in your contract that they can do this? Most contracts state you can be sacked for drug use but unless you signed to agree to drug testing they can get stuffed as its a violation of your rights. You will also find that unless they can prove you were under the influence of drugs at work they can't sack you. Just tell them where to stick their test unless its a legal (not contractual) requirement.


Failing that tell them on Monday you have just come back from a mates stag in Amsterdam over the weekend. Then you can blame the positive result on your mates smoking it near you.


I don't smoke it myself simply because I don't enjoy it but its actually healthier than alcohol. In fact even heroin is healthier than alcohol.


Personally I would rather spend the money on bacon sandwiches but that's probably why I have angina.

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Dont do wat one lad i heard did he sneaked a sample of their lasses piss he passed the drug test but they told him he was pregnant lol.

we got drug tests coming up in work anyone know any sites where i can buy the drink that masks cannabis in your urine

thanks jack260


Think you will find that they dont test your urine

Have had it done at work it was done with mouth swabs then sent of to some lab results back in a few days

dont bother so was ok but had a few lads loose there jobs

is it worth it ????

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it can stay in your system for up to 2 mths,just tell em you went to a party about a mth ago and drunk copius amounts of alcohol(which strangely in their eyes is fine)and while you were staggering about hopelessly shitfaced you unknowingly rammed a space cake into your mouth thinking it was a mr kipling,honest boss i dont touch that stuff it was an accident....then go home a roll a big fat un :thumbs:

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it can stay in your system for up to 2 mths,just tell em you went to a party about a mth ago and drunk copius amounts of alcohol(which strangely in their eyes is fine)and while you were staggering about hopelessly shitfaced you unknowingly rammed a space cake into your mouth thinking it was a mr kipling,honest boss i dont touch that stuff it was an accident....then go home a roll a big fat un :thumbs:






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it is in my contract and i got a bottle a year back in a local shop but is now closed lol i passed the urine test last year and im not a chong lol just 1 a night before i go to bed :whistling:

i wouldnt worry mate,you probably passed the test cos they wasnt looking for ganj :thumbs:

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to pass the test you can eat a tea spoon of soap, 3/4hr before test, normal hard soap, not hp balanced :thumbs:


and to be sure rub some colmans english mustard on your starfish(arse) :ninja:


seriously though, alkaline soap will sort it

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to pass the test you can eat a tea spoon of soap, 3/4hr before test, normal hard soap, not hp balanced :thumbs:


and to be sure rub some colmans english mustard on your starfish(arse) :ninja:


seriously though, alkaline soap will sort it



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