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Christened the hw100kt

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So i thought i would take my new rifle out today to christen her - after some pellet testing i settled for bisley mags ( .177 ).


Then off i went to zero at a nearby farm which hasnt got much going on at the minute. After 10mins i was happy and started testing my holdover at different ranges - they fly quite flat for a heavier pellet!


15mins later i arrived at my main rabbit permission - the owner was working so not as many out as there normally is for a beautiful day, saw a few in the distance but hopped on their way. I had quick walk round and spotted 2 playing about 100m away so i took aim standing and slotted them both with 1 pellet!!!!! Joke lol - anyway i slowly made my way closer trying to duck and weave between containers and got to where i wanted and poked my head around the corner and GONE! But no worries i moved towards the hedgeline and lay prone around 20m away - 2mins later 2 bunnies darted out and sat in front of me so guess what......... TWACK bisley magnum to the brain! And the other hopped off , i did wait a bit before retrieving but he wasnt playing out anymore.


I was only after 1 so was happy so asked the owner if he would like dibs on the wabbit ( which he did ) so sorry no piccy there! So i buggered off and said i will be back for a lamp later!


So around 8:00pm i headed for a lamp for an hour as i wanted to try out my new tracer max with the red filter - i arrived at the farm and jumped the fence, walked up the path and hopped the fence into the field on the right. Torch on...bunny spotted...down into prone...took aim...hold breath...squeeze trigger...THWACK!!


Well pleased with my new gear i headed home with a bunny for the pot and heres a piccy!!!




Hope u like





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