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apparently this weekend were going to have the largest full moon in 19 years and it could look up to 14% larger than normal with the naked eye,good night to get out with the binnoculars if it is,nt cloudy :thumbs:

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apparently this weekend were going to have the largest full moon in 19 years and it could look up to 14% larger than normal with the naked eye,good night to get out with the binnoculars if it is,nt cloudy :thumbs:


I read on the interweb thingy that they are trying to link this with the recent Japan thing :thumbs:

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I saw it about 7pm. It was still really low and was orange from the sun setting on the other side of the hill. It looked amazing and tried to take a picture of it but it just looked like an orange splodge with my crappy camera on my phone. It looked about the same size as a house! (no exageration!) When I first saw it it was behind some trees and it took me a minute to work out what it actually was!!

Edited by Sarah1985
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took the dogs for a walk earlier on..thought i would take a picture of the moon,,i was in the middle of our playing field so there was no trees in front of me and it picked some thing up as well as the moon,,carnt make out what it is,,but theres some thing there... :o:o:o:o:o:o019-2.jpg

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Guest AngelicAcid

There was a Bigger moon a good few months back now, not sure how often how that one happened though.

Good pic as well, mines simiklar to that, new camera, and cant set it properly yet.

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took the dogs for a walk earlier on..thought i would take a picture of the moon,,i was in the middle of our playing field so there was no trees in front of me and it picked some thing up as well as the moon,,carnt make out what it is,,but theres some thing there... :o:o:o:o:o:o019-2.jpg



This was the moon at about 7 15 here -



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