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Old School Pigeon potting

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Had to go and service one of my rat contracts today, a farm over near Gloucester. There have been a few feral pigeons about so I decided I'd stick an airgun in the truck. The Ultra is scopeless at the moment (cos I had to pinch the scope to put on the new .22) so I decided I'd give the old BSF 55 an airing - fixed 6x42 scope, number 4 reticle, no fancy bits at all.


Checked my traps and settled into position overlooking the bird's favourite rooftop:




I missed the first couple of birds, I'd forgotten how hard a .22 springer can be to shoot accurately - especially when you're only after headshots!


The third pigeon was a woodie, which copped it right in the noggin and cartwheeled off the roof. A carrion dropped in to caw at the fallen woodie but saw me move as I lined up on it and buggered off. All went quiet so I decided to have a final stalk round the yard before setting off for home to beat the race traffic.


A collared dove was sat in the top of a biggish oak at the end of the silage clamp and let me have two shots at it (forgot to allow for the angle :icon_redface: ), but the second connected squarely, sending it spinning earthwards.


As I got back to the truck, there was a feral perched on the roof nearest the truck and it keeled over to a chest shot - but stayed on the roof!


Not a bad little bag for a couple of hours with an ancient springer!






As I drove out of the farm, I saw the carp in the pool were active for the first time this year.....may have to pop back with a rod (and a gun!) on Sunday!



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Pianoman - you're spot on there mate, I just never get the chance to use air power any more, it's all .22 and centrefire stuff! Got a HW80 as well but it's a bit weighty for carrying about whilst checking traps!


Ste - Not a rat to be seen, I've hammered them with the Magnums over the winter. Never even got round to having a go at em with the airgun. Client's well happy though, there's always next winter!



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.410 or 12 bore? Bet that was a right laugh :)

You could have atleast let the dog have a look in :laugh: :laugh:


A job well done mate, I hope your leavin a few farms around gloucester for me to get my foot in the door :laugh::thumbs:


Good write up and nice pics pal, good luck on the carp :thumbs:


.atb. .ste.

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Neither mate, magnum traps! Not quite as much fun as the .410 (or the garden gun!) but bloody efficient!




Terrier got a bit of action but the rats were under the buildings so not ideal for him.


Plenty of farms left for you mate, you can have all the ones that are too tight to pay me!



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Thanks for all the comments chaps!


Hunter - yeah a meet up one day would be good. The ironic thing is I've got loads of contracts but not much 'permission' as such. There is the gameshoot but I tend to keep that for the beaters.


Quite fancy having a bash at that HFT layout, maybe meet up there one Sunday?


Had a bit more sport today, took the .243 for a morning out and managed a muntjac and a roe doe! Roll on the carp and bunnies tomorrow!



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