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self entered dogs

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Spending as much time as you can with your dog.


Have the dog with you when you are pottering about in the garden (not locked up in the kennel).


They start to mooch around looking and smelling about for anything small that moves.


One dog that i started this way was finding mice frogs and earthworms long before he saw any proper game.


He entered like a dream.


Also i used to take him everywhere with me.Again this was long before he was entered.


The obediance and inbuilt hunting ability was already there naturally due to the time i spent with the dog just going about my normal buissness.


Ihad the time on my hands then and no responsabilities


I think to much training can affect the dogs natural spirit and hunting thought processes :thumbs:

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"Entering" a dog has very little to do with us. Only those that think they are the f****n dog whisperer believe that horse shit in the first place. You might be able to teach to sit and fetch and no

whats the odds of getting another self entered dog? they say you never put it in to your second dog what you put in to your first? but what if it was nothing to do with you in the first place, where d

In alot of ways I'd say you are correct. You can up your odds though by taking on pups or dogs whose momma and daddy were rockstars.

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seen a few but not all bred out of great dogs them selfs ive allways belive its like when you make a cake throu in the ingredients speed mouth wind coat and the very best thing the man that raises the pup and noes when to give it enough rest enough work THEN HOPE IT RESPONDS TO IT ALL :thumbs::thumbs:

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Spending as much time as you can with your dog.


Have the dog with you when you are pottering about in the garden (not locked up in the kennel).


They start to mooch around looking and smelling about for anything small that moves.


One dog that i started this way was finding mice frogs and earthworms long before he saw any proper game.


He entered like a dream.


Also i used to take him everywhere with me.Again this was long before he was entered.


The obediance and inbuilt hunting ability was already there naturally due to the time i spent with the dog just going about my normal buissness.


Ihad the time on my hands then and no responsabilities


I think to much training can affect the dogs natural spirit and hunting thought processes :thumbs:


would you not class this as the basics ......................................... :icon_redface:

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