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fishing llangeneth

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hi all wat fish are being caught around the llangeneth est i here its good for flattes wat else and best times d/n many thanks

hi muff,you sure you talking about llangenith then,? the beach east of burry holm is known as such.maybe you talking about the estury? but thats a fair few miles in land.

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hi logun yes sorry mate iam on about the est mate like around the bridge then follow around id like to fish for the bass as the tide comes in havent fished in years just want to get back into it are they catching bass from the est with spinners many thanks

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thanks for the reply wat method would be good for the bass spining any good as the tide comes in love to have a go at them and wat time ov the year is best thanks

if we talking about the beach there are some nice flounder to be had there at the mo.school bass never realy go away from there to be honest but should be a few nice ones in the surf .bass ivealways done ok with a sand eell cast over the waves but flounder in the third wave and guess not in more than 4 foot of water.maddies or small rag good for them. can also fish off the ledges going out to the worm. good for dabs ,dogs and some late whitting this time of year.. not a good spin beach to be honest .we down the ledges tomox for a few hours,let you know how we gwet on... we dab bashing i hope :thumbs:

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If you mean llangenech, not very good for spinning as by the time the tide has got there the water is almost pure mud. Good for flounders latewr in the year september onwards till december on maddies.


If you want to spin for Bass then Lougher would be a better bet from may on. Just the other side of the railway bridge there is a stone scar jutting out, pick a rising tide just under the 7 metre mark high water around 6 pm and spin in the race as the tide eddies around the scar. You would need to be there about two and a half hours before high water to catch the first of the flood.



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sorry boys im thick as f..ck the place im on about thers a road brige and on 1 side thers a round about with like all wires like an iglu in the middle ov it do you now wer iam cos i dont :blink:

some times though its best to fish where you just like to.. known marks get know cause loads of people fish them.. do your own thing muff and you may be thankfull you did :thumbs:

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The place you are talking about is loughor.


Number one on the photo is the roundabout you describe and number two is the rock scar I was talking about.




The reason marks become popular is because they produce fish. There is usually a reason why they produce. Very often they will only produce in certain circumstances, ie westerly wind, rough sea conditions or even high pressure. The only way to find out is to fish the marks in all conditions and find out what works best.


The mark I have shown you works well on high pressure for bass. The reason being that during high pressure the sea is settled and the usual wind is easterly. Easterly winds pull the bait fish up into the burry inlet and the bass follow them. Another bonus is that because of the settled weather the water is not as dirty, allowing the fish to see your spinner from a greater distance.


If you look at the photo there is a small sand bank just out from the shore, as the run of tide increases it creates an area just behind the ridge of the bank where there is no run of tide as the tide runs over the top of it, the bass lie in these pockets of slack water and pick off bait as they get carried by the tide above them.


I have fished this estuary for over 50 years, I only live 3 miles away from loughor, If I was shooting shit I would not have bothered writing all this.




Edited to add: These pockets of slack water do not usually last very long and as soon as the tide gets too strong the fish will move up to the next bar, and then on up to the next till the tide slackens off. So do some home work have a look at low water and try and identify likely taking places then fish them in the order that they cover with the tide. It does not have to be a sand bar any obstruction on the sea bed that will cause an eddy will work just as well.



Edited by tiercel
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