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Bitch collapsed

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While out walking with my bitch yesterday she started playing with another dog after about 10minutes chasing each other and play fighting my bitch seemed to collapse and just lie on the floor with her sides heaving and her legs shaking as if having a fit??? Took her straight up to the vet but the they could find nothing wrong? Any ideas what this may have been? Ever happened to anyone else on here?

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Try another vet mate. Collapsing and shaking isn't normal, healthy behaviour.


I've had epilepsy (actually the Border Terrier spastic thing....Dawn will know what that's called) in a line of terriers I worked and I've had dog's of mine drop with heat stroke.

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Guest daz halford

its probably nothing, perhaps just unfit :D i know summers not in full swing but my dog was suffering last night after a couple of runs.

probably just took a time out. you,ll know when there fitting...daz

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If it was warm and the bitch was unfit it will be exaustion most likely.

Get plenty of electrolytes into her and make sure it dont happen again, but get a second opinion from a vets.


I gave a young greyhound a 525 yard run last wednesday morning at 10 and it was starting to get hot, he would be fairly fit but not 100% fit, he was heaving hard and had to lie down he was tired and the heat wasnt helping.

So ten minutes playing around with another dog in heat wont have done her any good.

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:) Same subject, more or less, a bitch I had, had a few good runs one fairly cold night, then when we were walking back to the motor, it started to snow, after about 5 mins she collapsed, when I got her back to the car she went into a full blown convulsion. Ended up at the vets for the night on a drip(saline). Apparently she had cooled down too quickly and her brain couldnt handle it, hence the fitting. Picked her up the next day an she was as right as rain, so its not just the heating up that can do damage :)
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The bitch is just over 6 years old, its never happened before. It may have been heat stroke but i didnt think it was THAT hot? When it actually happend there was no froth or shaking of the mouth just stiff legs and very heavy breathing. Could it have been dehydration? iv heard of athletes fainting when they have become too dehydrated??? Thankfully she seems back to her normal self now!

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Sometimes they just overdo it and collaspse due to a momentary loss of oxygen to the brain. I boarded a Boxer that did it, she would belt round like a nutter, then keel over for no apparent reason, all tests proved the dog fit and healthy.


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If it happens again and your near water get her in it,it cools the body temp down my [bANNED TEXT] ran his bitch (coursing) 1 warm october saturday and she did the same but he never cooled her down just put her back in the van she ended up being put down at the vets that night.The vet suggested she had picked up posion but what dog is intrested in eating when its running she ran to a stand still and collasped. :(

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Carry a couple of aspros in your pocket at all times and give to a dog after a grueller, it will rehydrate your dog almost instantly and save him alot of suffering.

I have a box in my hunting coat at all times, a box in the van and a box in the kennells.

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Thanks for the advice boys i will certainly take it on board, took her to another vet and she suggested that she may indeed have overdone it in the heat. The first thing i done as soon as i got her home was to put a towel soaked in cool water over her which seemed to do the trick. The fit itself only lasted for probably about 1-2 minutes seem like hours though!!

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if it ever happens again, and i hope it doesnt look at her gums and tounge, if they are blue then they have overheated, or over done it


here in australia is different, but even on a cool day dogs can cook themselves, depends on the humidity etc


where in the world are ya mate? hot over in the UK is differnt to here, so by saying hot i dont know what ya mean hot here is 45degrees celcius(actually thats referred to as f****n hot lol)

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