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Does your dog...

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i'm not normally easily freaked out, but sometimes Gyp'll put the wind right up me... i live on my own, dog lives in the house, and he's usually really quiet & pretty laid back unless someone comes up to the gate or in the garden during the day. but sometimes, at night, he'll jump up, stare out the door, and start growling. then he'll run between the door (looks out onto the garden) and the living room window (looks out onto the drive) and growl & bark. always gives me the feeling that he knows something i don't! puts me right on edge! i even keep my axe & machete in the house now, instead of outside in the woodshed (i'm not gonna arm an axe-murderer!)


i used to live in a caravan in my parents' garden, right next to the dogs' kennels. they had a certain bark for when someone strange was poking about, and the buggers would always do it at 3am when i was up there on my own! :( and cos i was nearest to them, it was my job to stick my head out the door & have a look, and tell them to shut up, or chase the pikies out of the garden :icon_eek: . so i guess that's why dogs behaving oddly put me on edge!

anyone else got a dog that does the same?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I live alone. Completely isolated. Just me and the Dogs. I actually want to get some Guinea Fowl, to lurk about out there and do their thing, should the occassion arise, only I figure the nearest trees are far enough away that they'll just go there and become practically useless. Anyway .....


What I do; I sleep with my Dogs in my bed. Simple as that. Ok; Three of them anyway. Big Dog's so f*cking huge he'd need another futon all to himself. I only have a single. But it's great. I get central heating from all these furry bodys draped around and over me. And the sense of security is second to none!


I feel a body tense? Early warning. I hear a low growl? I've already shit the bed and am on Full Alert! A full Bark from the big b*stard? It better end there. Because, if there ever is any b*stard out there - apart from a passing badger or a particularly clumsy rat - next thing's gonna be the door bursting open and four very wound up Dogs streaming out there ~ closely followed by one awesome sight of a hysterical, skin covered skeleton, about equelly plastered in tattoos and shit and wielding one of the last damn things they'll ever set eyes on! I'm 'funny' enough with people I know coming near my place in the day time ....! :yes:


Best one, for me, though was about a month ago: PC was all shut down and so was I. I was laying there, eyes shut and cuddling the Orange Dog. Something made my eyes open and, fully alert, I thought; " At least that light's gone out now ..... Wait a minute: What F*cking Light?! ..... Like, the light that just lit my entire damn window up? Came probing into my room? At This hour of the morning?! "


Don't mind telling you people; I Crapped It! There's no roads near me. Even a motor on my track wouldn't throw a beam up there. It must've been Lampers. I didn't sleep. I Waited!


Please, people; When ye out there ..... Have some consideration for where ye flick those bloody lights?! Give somebody a heart attack! :icon_eek:

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boy sleeps on my bed, kitten too. trained the kitten to sleep on my feet to keep 'em warm :) i'm 400 yards down a track, railway line followed by big field followed by reputedly haunted wood out back. only me & my landlord living down here at the mo' (my polish neighbours & my landlords lodgers moved out before crimbo), and he's 63 & a complete wimp! i should think if he saw anyone poking about he'd ring me before he did anything about it (well, i got all the weaponry at the mo', 2 axes, a crowbar, machete & the airgun!)

dog usually does it when i'm on the pc, next to the living room window. and of course, my outside light is bust, so i can't even turn it on to see whats out there!

one of my friends stayed over ages ago, before i got the mutt, and he woke me up at 5am cos he heard something in the garden... he grabbed the smallest bloody veg knife and legged it outside! near wet myself when one of the old cats i used to have shot in the door :rofl::clapper:

Edited by Ossie
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Guest oldskool

good thread ossie!!


got me thinkin to my first russell he was a nasty dangerous little bugger that never liked anyone (except them ja hova fellas, never even barked at them :no::) ) and with out a warning he would have went for your throat... i thought he was great lol... my house is supposed to be haunted, its really old, i would say over 200 years... a few that have stayed here say doors open and close and all that sort of thing... i dont want to be tellin ghost stories but when i was a cub 'patch' would have done things very similar to your dog ossie... when we were cubs we were left alone to look after the place and patch was some weapon... never felt scared with him about although he took to staring up the stairway once and barked and screamed his head off... if it had have been a person he would have been up there to sort him out... that was the only time i felt the need to bolt outside....

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We had a black lab that was a bit odd, she had this wierd habit of staring at people really hard, sticking her head right out and tensing up like she was going to spring at them.


It put people right off I can tell you.

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DS....i can visualise it now :laugh::laugh:


Live alone also, surrounded on 2 sides by woods, no street lights anywhere so when its dark, its very dark.

It was about midnight i was in the kitchen making a cuppa looking through at the TV, at the climax to a horror movie ( i kid you not) Just then i heard the latch on the door open, the dogs went beserk, i could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, my stomach drop into my bowels and i froze to the spot....which was not the way id always imagined i would be if ever in this situation, always thought id be in control, like some Laura croft type hero :laugh::laugh: Not the dippy annoying woman who freezes then falls over when being chased :blink: I slowly made my way through the mass of wound up hounds to the door, to see the kitten looking at me through the glass half way up the door with one foot hanging onto the latch :D


Ive got a terrier who will occasionally stare very hard for no apparent reason at the ceiling :hmm:


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Guest The Big Fish
Ive got a terrier who will occasionally stare very hard for no apparent reason at the ceiling :hmm:



They say that dogs are particularly sensitive to those that have passed over to 'thee other side'


I rekon you got ghosts Moll............ :icon_eek:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:laugh: And ye call yeself one of us, Fish?!


Terrier staring at ye cieling? That'll likely be a Wood Mouse, Moll! Part and parcel of these old cottages! :D Get some traps and / or bait down round ye outside walls. Catch 'em on the flip :good:

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Guest The Big Fish



Fecking wood mouse, my arse!


I'd be very fecking scared if i was you Moll, get yourself an exorcist or something and make it quick :o




















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i used to to have a staffy bitch that would be lay all quite one minit and the next, she would be stood looking at the wall growling, she would be there ages doing it, it would start off a little grumble then she would start bearing her teeth and getting really aggressive.

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i'm glad i'm not the only one with a mad dog!


Terrier staring at ye cieling? That'll likely be a Wood Mouse, Moll! Part and parcel of these old cottages! :D Get some traps and / or bait down round ye outside walls. Catch 'em on the flip :good:


my kitten stares at the ceiling... and, as DS says, it's wood mice.



(apologies for weird lighting, used my phone). that's what i found in my loft this morning! i'm off to scrounge some traps tomorrow!

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