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ok my next question would a gp give me a AAS certificate so i could get hold of good gear without getting scammed?

just 1 question cushty ,has none this but you off one bit ,if not then go out and poison your body with this shit

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Hi Cushty/forum, this is my 1st post here so i'll introduce myself 1st. Im Rab from Pompey. Love me hunting and fishing (was on trawlers for 15 years), im 38 Ok ive always used the gym since i was 13

i thought this was a site for hunting folk not drug pushers ...........

If its a question you need to ask on the internet then your not ready,and in all fairness 90% of people who ask the same question are not ready so its not just you.   Theres nothing wrong with juice

ok my next question would a gp give me a AAS certificate so i could get hold of good gear without getting scammed?

just 1 question cushty ,has none this but you off one bit ,if not then go out and poison your body with this shit


Not really but its probally the way i am. Im going to use gear at some stage, i just wanted someone to give me a reliable source of reliable gear, not everyone telling me how bad they are for you, ive done the research etc etc.

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ok my next question would a gp give me a AAS certificate so i could get hold of good gear without getting scammed?

just 1 question cushty ,has none this but you off one bit ,if not then go out and poison your body with this shit


Not really but its probally the way i am. Im going to use gear at some stage, i just wanted someone to give me a reliable source of reliable gear, not everyone telling me how bad they are for you, ive done the research etc etc.

i bet them are the people who giving you the gear ,course its bad for you ,the cons outway the pros millon 2 one

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f**k the steroids my uncle had a heart attack through taking the roids. He was mr wales in the 80s or 90s. His sons are the same they are bang on the steroids and probally going 2 have a short life like there dad did. I would leave the roids alone mate :thumbs:

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Im into body building and was wonderin where was the best and most reliable place on the net to buy oral and injectable anabolic steroids? do any other body builders have any reliable links? cheers cushty.

Get yourself down the gym....... :thumbs:


ermmm I do :wallbash:

awwwwww never mind.... :wallbash:


if your refering to the gym roid pushers then most of it they sell is fake dianabol orals all 5mg tabs or watered down injectables :thumbs:


he meant get them from the gym ROIDY :doh:

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in reply to Nasher, Supplements DO get you bigger and stroner, just need to know what works and how. :thumbs:

I trained with Someone who was into national comps, and was going international.

He advised me, Yes the training routines helped Massively, but so did the supplements.

Things like HMB, and Cyclone/Nirotech helped a lot more than just Creatine and Protein.

Now I beleive there are far superior to these.

Im no expert to add.

Bets of luck in what you do.

When you get older you might look back and regret it, to em health is far more important.

You just dont know how you System will react.

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Sounds like you know your shit. I know a few lads that were on the gear and they are either dead in there 40's or have massive long term medical problems. Is it worth it to look like someones stuck a pump up your arse? It will make your cock look even smaller and 90% of women will run away from you laughing!!!! Do it the proper way. Welcome Rab.

Hi Cushty/forum, this is my 1st post here so i'll introduce myself 1st. Im Rab from Pompey. Love me hunting and fishing (was on trawlers for 15 years), im 38

Ok ive always used the gym since i was 13/14, used to lie and say i was 16 to get in!! Ive always been interested in keeping strong aswell (requirment at sea!). Im 6'2 18 stone. Deadlift today is 300kg. Squat today is 300kg. Bench today is 200kg. All natural for last 5 years. Just eat 6 times a day (clean) only supp i take is 1 protein shake in morn with my oats, and maybe a protein shake after training if i cant get home quick from gym to put real food in me. I dont even use creatine. (i do use salmon oil/not really gym supp).

Ok heres the deal breaker. I USED to do roids/juice whatever. Serious shit, hgh insulin test tren dbol the lot, and that would be on 1 cycle. Started the usual way, in the gym, done some dbol, got sum results THEN BANG your addicted. There has been talk on here of EDUCATING yourself before you even look at roids, you need to know about genetics and pct (post course therepy) etc etc etc.

Im guna educate ya, I was educated very very well in this game. YES you will lift heavy, my results were quite frankly out of this world. Even running proper ancilleries alongside test based drugs (and i train with pro's so i got the 'real' gear. human grade very very expensive) you will bloat. Fat moon head for the layman. Your hands and feet swell up. Your mood is BAD. Your blood pressure will go through the roof your bad cholestrol(thats the killer) will go sky high. Your blood sugars will rise and THEN YOU WILL GET DIABETES. And then you will be juicing for life. You will get heart problems. You will get kidney problems. You will defo get liver problems, especially doing the 'softer' orals like dbol. Your organs swell up. YOU GET ME FELLA???????

Sorry bout the rant, maybe a bad 1st post, but please do not juice. By the way im diabetic now, nearly recovered luckily the rest of my problems, kidneys liver eyes but i have a heart murmer and am basicly waiting the heart attack.........its guna happen. Ive been at the hospital every 3 months for the last 5 years and will be the rest of my life. LAST THING genetics?? not this time, my great grandad, my grandad my dad all alive, never had heart problems, or diabetes etc. Nor on mothers side. Not 1 bad heart or diabetes ever recorded in my family.

HOW MANY HUGE GUYS DO YOU SEE WALKING ABOUT IN THERE 60'S OR 70'S...answer: none, all dead> heartattack! :>

PS. jus reading through the site i see there is a lot of haters on here. if you dont believe me fine, ill not be fighting with ya, this just the truth from me so i wanna state i left alot out from above. i could of gone really really anal and talked about your triglydite levels etc etc aswel, but im rubbish at spelling and the layman only really needs to know the basics. do roids. DIE...simples :>

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I don't see the point. Don't you just feel a sham? I mean it's impressive to get to the peak of your physical capabilities, thats an achievement. Being a pill popping roid head just makes you desperate. If all you got going in your life is your muscles, and thats more important than your health etc, then go ahead. . . . . but thats pretty f*****g sad.

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Get a grip FFS. You dont have to look like a simmental bull to get a ride!


As long as your not a fat c**t/ugly f****r you should do grand.


Spend the time you would doing weights out in the field and enjoy yourself.




Theres enough time to enjoy both working out and hunting mate. I work 9-5 weekdays (i have a day of today) Im normally out with the dogs all weekend during the day and up at 6am walking them for an hour. i usually drive from work to the gym on a monday to friday spending roughly 2 hours in the gym, Im not just in the game for a ride pal, but for more self confedence aswell oh and i want to acheive my aim of becoming the alpha male and out doing everyone in the gym and looking like a pin head on a huge body, joke, i just want to achevie more than i can achive naturally from working for hours and feeling little gains with a good daily food intake of good calories and a good chunk of sleep. different people have a different abilitly to building mass, some can do it realy easiy naturally others cant and choose gear.


No matter what your personal reasons are for bodybuilding, you would be a fool for doing anything that may damage your long term health......think seriously about it, then think again.

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While theres some good info being written here,far more than i could be bothered to write to a stranger,particularly one that has already made his mind up......its worth keeping in mind that steroids are a class c drug....and just like any other form of drug " abuse " using to extremes will take no prisoners.....yes there will be horror stories for some people,there will also be perfectly normal sensible stories where no problems existed either during or after use for other people.....

As regards the " if you take steroids you will die of a heart attack " myth.....again,abuse and constant use will lead to all sorts of problems yes thats common sense......but the fact is simply training with weights over a long period of time will enlarge your heart muscle ( ventricular hypertrophy ) without the help of steroids....i like to think im a vaguely sensible person and i feel any sensible person would advise a newcomer not to take the steroid route......but i also believe steroids are the most misunderstood drug in existence......and again,like anything else the key word is steroid " abuse "


In all fairness an internet hunting website is probably not the best place to be seeking info on the subject....likewise if you went onto a bodybuilding website and asked the best ways to catch bunnies you would probably get told not to do it and what a terrible thing it is ;)

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