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Real animal league

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just read on there about them trying to get sites closed down, sureley with there violence and anti social behaviour and comments that site could be closed down with enough complaints to there host

http://www.ixwebhosting.com/terms-of-service they are breaking there terms of service the email to send complaint to is fathi@ecommerce.com :whistling:

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It's interesting that Animal Aid, PETA etc are for profit businesses and not charities. The only animal rights group that is a charity is the RSPCA. However because the RSPCA thought it would be good to elect their ruling council they have been hijacked by the crazies.


We could easily get the RSPCA on our side if everyone that hunted paid for membership just before an election and voted in hunting friendly council member instead of PETA members.

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It's interesting that Animal Aid, PETA etc are for profit businesses and not charities. The only animal rights group that is a charity is the RSPCA. However because the RSPCA thought it would be good to elect their ruling council they have been hijacked by the crazies.


We could easily get the RSPCA on our side if everyone that hunted paid for membership just before an election and voted in hunting friendly council member instead of PETA members.


Does the RSPCA have hunting friendly members?

Of course it would have been pro hunting at one time otherwise it would never have the royal in front of it's name.

If they were for anything other than money they would change the name now.

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We've also had people recently trying to see if they can get the website shut down on the grounds of animal cruelty.. Everything on the forum is legal, its upto to us to keep it this way and keep showing respec t for the quarry and the hunting we do...

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Go and have a look



there's one bloke whos says he goes on the shooting uk forum speaking crap, you carnt add to it but can read there bull crap

There are some truly miss informed individuals on that forum, did you read the one about "sabs" throwing cherry bombs at hunters or using a fast boat to pass fishermen and throw cherry bombs in the water? Knobs the lot of them. I've only met a few vegans in my time and I've never seen one that dosent look like they have serious medical illness, pale skin sunken eyes I just think "for crying out load get some meat down ya"

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They are a bunch of muppets - they sell themselves as the 'Paramilitary wing of the Animal Kingdom'. I find it a bit ironic that they spout on about 'Unethical, over the top solutions to the worlds problems' (Meaning hunting foxes etc) when they think its ok to kidnap/hurt/threaten folk over shooting a deer / hutning a fox. To be fair their utter lack of brains and dogmatic fever is just a little bit scary. Half of their members are just looking for a cause to fight for, if they were about in 40's Germany they would be the first into the hitler youth, it dont matter what it is they just want to be 'a soldier, on the front lines fighting, man'. Cocks. :thumbdown:

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My fave is the idea that shearing sheep is very cruel as they are tied down and muzzled as they have large pieces of their flesh and skin cut off and then get infected and die.


But this is sick and should count as harrasment and intimidation -


Many years ago some of us were in a York, England pub where hunters regularly gathered to brag. One day they were showing the usual photos of themselves with their kills. We knew two of them. One, Johnny, actually gave me a photo. They left other photos strewn around the bar, some pinned to the walls.


My sister said "I wonder what Johnny's daughter would think?"


Our friend said "Let's find out."


We sent the photo to Johnny's daughter. Suddenly Johnny stopped joining the hunts. He is always too busy now, his friends said.


The knowledge that many of the toughest macho men portrait themselves one way to their macho friends and another way to their families became a useful strategy. We have employed this knowledge successfully hundreds of times with internet information. We simply find the female relatives (or we guess) and then we send them the information. Frankly, we're surprised it works as often as it does.


f*****g EVIL c**ts.

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