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I think if dogs have constant contact with other dogs then they will keep the immunity.

My dogs chase a ball over the park that is full of dogs, they must benefit from the dirty ball in there mouth each day.

Different maybe if a dog is agressive and is kept isolated or if one is never walked (like half my neighbours constantly barking shit arsed westies and king charles gay spaniels)

Edited by shepp
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It always amazes me how people will read a post on the internet and keep it as gospel truth! :wallbash:


I booster my dogs every year, they cost me £7 a jab and therefore IMO its money well spent, having said that even if i didn't get them cheap, i probably would still do it via my vet, again i won't put money above the dogs welfare.


Mine swim everyday throughout the year, 2 of them are rarely out of water, with Lipto i feel its important that they are boostered, i also often get asked to take pups out for walks with mine to teach them manners and recall, something i enjoy doing and again i feel happier knowing they are vaccinated.


My vet is ace and very realistic, he knows i jab them myself and has nothing bad to say about it, his view is very much the same as mine, the reason a lot of diseases in dogs are rare now ....... why? Due to the vaccinations!!! Parvo is on the increase again, a vaccinated dog can still contract Parvo, but in most cases they stand a much greater chance of recovery having been vaccinated.


Its each to their own, however i do feel some on here are very quick to nonsense the vaccinations based on very little knowledge. :no:


If you are really unsure, talk to your vet, other vets, different dog owners, research it and then form your own opinion. :yes:

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No need to be shirty Dougall :D


A couple of facts for you.

The above info you refer to was taken from the www. If you do a search for pro or against boosters you will find compelling info on both.

Just because something is written on the internet don't make it fact, people will just choose what THEY want to believe....get my drift ;)


I do not booster my dogs, because of the reasons written above, but always had a niggling doubt in the back of my mind, so when i got a bit of money together titre tested all 5 of mine and one bitch several years old came back as not covered. So statistically 20% not covered.

Have i boostered in the years since...no, but will test again one day soon.


Am i going to take info from one person with rather weird and wonderfull views on most things in life who decided it was a very bad thing to do! Not on your nelly, i am going to find out for myselfand do what is right for my dogs. And hope other people do the same.

Common sense really :D




Titre test info for those who want to know.



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It looks to me like the problem is of the vets making.


Too many have experienced vets that put lining there pockets before animal welfare.

So although vets in theory are the best ones to take advice from, many of us think 'Is this the best advice for me or the vets pocket'?

I would guess that pet insurance will be void if boosters are not up to date within the next few years, I'm surprised that is not the case now.

It is a sorry state of affairs but greed is such an over riding aspect to life in modern Britain.

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Dougall - as others have said. The post at the top is just that.


A post on an internet website.


There is a post somewhere on the internet that says it feels nice if you cut your penis off with a butter knife.


It may well be true, but by fcuk am I gonna chance it.



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Agree with Moll, and Hannah, to a certain extent. It is a fact that the Lepto vaccine doesn't last as long as the Parvo and Distemper vaccines. It is also true that not all vaccines 'take' in all dogs: some may still be at risk despite being vaccinated. A friend of mine had a superb Staffy cross: despite being up to date with its jabs it died from Lepto: a horrible way to die. Titre (blood) testing is the only way to be sure your dog is covered.


Having said that I don't get mine boosted either: they seldom come into contact with rats and are always exercised where there is filth, other dogs, dead things. When the landfill site first started round my way my dogs often had bouts of diarrhoea, sickness of no known cause. I reckon it was because they were being exposed to bacteria/viruses from out of my area: the rubbish came to our landfill site from London and further afield. Several years on and they have apparently developed a better immunity to certain 'foreign' bugs.


Gaz: if your vets say that they'll refuse to treat your dog if it isn't boosted, that is bad, very bad. That would be like a doctor refusing to treat the child which hasn't had the MMR vaccines. Try and find a vet who isn't so money grabbing. My own vets don't think it entirely necessary to boost every year, though they do advise getting blood tested to see if the dog is covered: then boost if necessary. There is more and more proof that constant vaccinating may compromise the immune system: Google it and have a read from both points of view. That's all you can do.

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Thanks for the informative reply skycat.


I am in the process of moving vets to someone who I have heard is ok.


I will probably vaccinate every other year or third year just to be on the safe side.


Both my dogs regularly come across rats.



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For the small amount of money is it worth running the risk?


Especially with what working dogs are exposed to?


On top of that the 3 vets in my area I spoke to will not keep you on there books if they aren't jabbed to date. So then if they have an accident they aren't registered with a vets.



hi gaz, i live not far from yourself,and can recomend a local vet,who works lurchers,and will not ask to many questions if you take your dogs to him after'accidents' and isn't botherd if you don't vaccinate yearly. . cp

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Dougall - as others have said. The post at the top is just that.


A post on an internet website.


There is a post somewhere on the internet that says it feels nice if you cut your penis off with a butter knife.


It may well be true, but by fcuk am I gonna chance it.



heard you have already tried it and you have to sit to pp now if you feel better giving your so caled vet your money feel free i would report the pr---k
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