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My lurcher is registered with a vets and had his jabs when he was a pup. My terrier is not registered yet, I believe she was jabbed up by previous owner.


My question is - can vets refuse to treat dogs without paperwork to say it's jabbed up? And also what do they or can they do if you decline the annual boosters?


I'm expecting a letter at 12 months to say pup is due booster vaccinations.





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My lurcher is registered with a vets and had his jabs when he was a pup. My terrier is not registered yet, I believe she was jabbed up by previous owner.


My question is - can vets refuse to treat dogs without paperwork to say it's jabbed up? And also what do they or can they do if you decline the annual boosters?


I'm expecting a letter at 12 months to say pup is due booster vaccinations.





All there boosting is the vets bank balance. Never took a dog for a booster jab in my life

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My lurcher is registered with a vets and had his jabs when he was a pup. My terrier is not registered yet, I believe she was jabbed up by previous owner.


My question is - can vets refuse to treat dogs without paperwork to say it's jabbed up? And also what do they or can they do if you decline the annual boosters?


I'm expecting a letter at 12 months to say pup is due booster vaccinations.





All there boosting is the vets bank balance. Never took a dog for a booster jab in my life


Yep same here mate.

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My lurcher is registered with a vets and had his jabs when he was a pup. My terrier is not registered yet, I believe she was jabbed up by previous owner.


My question is - can vets refuse to treat dogs without paperwork to say it's jabbed up? And also what do they or can they do if you decline the annual boosters?


I'm expecting a letter at 12 months to say pup is due booster vaccinations.






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Not always a waste of time. I do not booster either but had them tested one year for immunity levels. Out of 5 dogs none were covered for distemper and one had none for parvo. My vets are brill, advised not to bother with the ones for distemper as it is practically eradicated but to booster the bitch with no parvo coverage, which i did that year. Not all dogs are safe without boosters, it is the owners choice and risk to not do so. Not everything written on the web is 100% accurate. I decided to booster every 3/4 yrs just to make sure.


They will probably not refuse you treatment because you don't booster, but i suppose they could refuse treatment if they had to keep the dog in for a while and had puppies in which could be put at risk?

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Thanks for the thorough reply Moll.


I wasn't aware that the boosters actually did anything. I have read and been told more than once that they are just a money maker.


I will give it some consideration.





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Thanks for the thorough reply Moll.


I wasn't aware that the boosters actually did anything. I have read and been told more than once that they are just a money maker.


I will give it some consideration.





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Thanks for replys.


Shepp - I dunno why it repeat posts for me. Using phone and it happens alot.


I have rang around a few vets this morning and cheapest I found is £22 for annual booster. For that price I don't think it's worth not having.


£44 a year for both dogs. Small price to pay I think. If I had 5 or 6 dogs it may be different story.



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For the small amount of money is it worth running the risk?


Especially with what working dogs are exposed to?


On top of that the 3 vets in my area I spoke to will not keep you on there books if they aren't jabbed to date. So then if they have an accident they aren't registered with a vets.



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