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whot made a good earthdog back in the day

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now to me a earthdog shoud have a brain not one of them dog's that just go's in for the kill and gets a slap in the meen time so its layed up for 3/4 week's or ethan have to be pts. to me thay shoud pick the time to go for the kill. yes thay still get a nip but still can work them 2 times a week. so cum on lads whot you think macks a good earthdog prey band atb swag


p.s. sorry for the bad spelling

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Theres even plenty about these days that would not last one dig even with locater on,but pre ban and pre locater it had to be a terrier that sounded a lot or else too hard to locate a hard dog was of limited use maybe to finish a job in an awkward place but little else.

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  On 14/03/2011 at 11:40, fat man said:

Theres even plenty about these days that would not last one dig even with locater on,but pre ban and pre locater it had to be a terrier that sounded a lot or else too hard to locate a hard dog was of limited use maybe to finish a job in an awkward place but little else.

i have to agree ,years ago the first question that would be asked of a terrier was had he a good voice and not what line he is or how many digs hes had .

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How many lads on here have actually dug to terriers before the locater,and il bet there's a lot that never have unless a collar or locater has f****d up.They were a great invention many the good dog was lost to ground before they were used.Some will say a terrier is not tested because of the locater but i say better to dig 8ft and have your dog out in a couple of hours than to be lieing on the sod listening for any sound for hours before even diging and at the end maybe a dead dog.Idug for maybe 10year pre locater but not anymore.

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  On 14/03/2011 at 11:40, fat man said:

Theres even plenty about these days that would not last one dig even with locater on,but pre ban and pre locater it had to be a terrier that sounded a lot or else too hard to locate a hard dog was of limited use maybe to finish a job in an awkward place but little else.


This was my first thought if you are talking 'BACK in the day'. Before my time though.

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