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morning out looking for squirrels.

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got an invite from a mate during the week to come down and have a look around the grounds of a big old private house, and have a try at a few nuisance squirrels.

i havent been up for about 5 or 6 weeks, but he said he had seen a few this week on the lawn. so after meeting up and having some breakfast(cheers mate), i got the raider 10 out of the car, just as i was doing this my mate pointed out 2 squirrels making thier way from some neighbouring land on to the permission. at this point a shot was out of the question as there is a footpath that runs parralel to the car park, and it was this footpath that the squirrels were crossing.

after a couple of mins i made my way around the old stone wall, and through the gate into the permission proper. as i inched my way along the wall i could hear a right din, as i got to the end of the wall i could see loads of crows and jackdaws in the tree tops about 50mtrs away, all busily nest building.the corvids where well out of my range, so i ignored them and carried on. a few yrds later, and sheilded by a shrub, i picked out the tale of a squirrel on the lawn. i couldnt see the rest of it, because of the bush directly in front of me, about 2 yrds away.

i decided to creep slowly out to the side of the bush, to give myself a better angle and a chance of a clear shot. i slid back the bolt, then pushed it forward and locked it down before i set off creeping. i managed to get around the bush without spooking the squidge, and took up a kneeling position with the target sat up only 20 yrds away. i put the the cross hairs on the kill zone. gently took the pressure of the first stage, then increased the pull on the trigger. POP!!!

the sound of air rushing out of the barrel. a completely different noise, from that of a pellet being pushed on towards its quarry. at that moment the squirrel took flight, along with another, that had managed to remain unseen. they both darted up the nearest tree, a massive old yew tree in the center of the lawn. i recocked the raider(i still couldnt believe that a pellet hadnt indexed the first time.)and walked towards the yew tree. i caught a glimpse of a tail wrapped around a branch, but no matter where i stood i just couldnt get a clean shot in the kill zone. just then the other one broke cover and disapeared into the woods, then the second one thought it would make a break for it. it came down the yew tree, on to the lawn and headed for a big tree a short distance away. i kept my eye on it the whole way, as it helter-skeltered its way up the tree. then it stopped and flattend itsself against a branch. i clicked my tongue a couple of times to see if it would pop its head up, but it was to no avail. i went tothe base of the tree, and gave it a coulpe of kicks. this did the trick as it moved to the other side of the branch, but i still couldnt get a clean shot off. i walked backwards, and found a clear route through the trees. again, i went down on one knee, steadied my breathing, and took the first stage up. gently increased the pressure, and heard the sound i was praying for. a pellet tearing down the barrel, then the crack of the impact as the superdome introduced its self to the quarry. a clean shot that saw the squirrel dead before it hit the ground. i left the squirrel where it was and looked for any more, but it wasnt to be. then i got the my plummer from the car, and sent him on to see if he could find it. after casting about on thelawn for a little while, probably following the routes the squirrels had been taking prior to our arrival, he stopped scented the air, and headed to the woods in the drection of the squidge. he soon found it, and i told him him to bring it. which he did and dropped it on being told. not quite the air gunners dog just yet. hes like a jack in a box at times, but wouldnt be without him now. a bit more time and he will be bang on.

after a couple of pics i let him have a play with the squirrel as a little reward.









was quite proud of this shot lol :thumbs: thanks for reading guys

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Really good write up there mate. Good pics and the dog looks a little cracker, bit more time and you will get him as you want him. good shot as well, nice to see you waited till you got a clear shot, but all good things come to those that wait. :thumbs:





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