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3/4 bull breedin dog

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Now then lads went out 2 week ago and dog hurt his foot been restin for 2 weeks but still the same is there any one out there who could use the dog as a breeder didnt realy want to get rid as this dog does any thing single handed .but ideal for breedin u can contact me on07922357794 ill take £100 to right man

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take it 2 the vets then ffs,some people should,nt be aloud 2 keep dogs ,ffs you can get treatment for dogs for a small donation at the pdsa ,if you car,nt be bothered 2 care for your dogs you should,nt have them simple

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  On 13/03/2011 at 15:03, bullet stopper said:

Listen pal its been to vets and had xray dont coment on shit u dont no pal get u into a lot ov trouble

for starters i,m not your pal never would be ,right you trying 2 sell a dog thats injured,it would be cruel 2 try and breed the bitch if car,nt even stand on its foot,so if it has and xray whats a matter with it

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  On 13/03/2011 at 12:48, SMART DOG said:

2 weeks rest still bad so you want to sell it why not rest it longer and care for it then keep the dog instead of passing it on because the season has finished :doh:


agree :thumbs:

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just been reading trough the swap section and the same dogs in their for a trade for a terrier and no mention of it bad foot,the new reason is it getting 2 an top for bigdogs round here no so want a terrier

Edited by rocky1
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