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Hi , I think mine was either 3 or 4 days , think 3? You will do deer ecology learning about the various species,identification,food hygiene,shooting safety and a reange test ect.I would read the book you get with the course and try and get some stalks in if you havent before. You dont have to but it will make it much easier. The range test is straight forward, but dont think its just a walkover as some will say. As on my course, if you dont practice first and actuall zero your rifle in before you will find it hard. A few did on mine as they hadnt zeroed their rifles.

Good luck , its not hard and you will learn and so will the instructors from you. No one knows it all and every day is a learning day.

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firstly where are you! i am doing mine in 3 weeks with jelen deers services google them the team are brilliant give thema bell or mail mike the boss!

oh and theres is a 3 day course


  On 13/03/2011 at 12:11, shooting.123 said:

thinking of doing my dsc1 soon

has anyone done it have any info

how many days is it

what do you do there




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  On 13/03/2011 at 12:11, shooting.123 said:

thinking of doing my dsc1 soon

has anyone done it have any info

how many days is it

what do you do there


If you have experiance then you should do a 1 day course & get the cd rom & learn at home. This 3-4 day courses are a rip off but are for complete novice with little or no experiance so most of the cost is in training over the 2-3days & i cant beleave people spend that amount of money doing it fools & money are easily parted.

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V max why are you so against the dsc I took mine over 6 years ago and still stalk with some of the friends I made on the 4 day course some of the lads on the course where professional stalkers and some of the rest where keepers such as myself who wanted the qualification to add to our CV's.The tutors on the course soon worked out that most of us had stalked for some time and tailored the course as such concentrating more on management and ecology than teaching us how to recognise/shoot deer.Even though I had shot deer on a professional basis for 15 years before I took the course I still found it useful learned a few new skills and made some great friends and had a bloody good laugh, all up well worth the few pounds the course cost :thumbs:

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  On 16/03/2011 at 07:12, danw said:

V max why are you so against the dsc I took mine over 6 years ago and still stalk with some of the friends I made on the 4 day course some of the lads on the course where professional stalkers and some of the rest where keepers such as myself who wanted the qualification to add to our CV's.The tutors on the course soon worked out that most of us had stalked for some time and tailored the course as such concentrating more on management and ecology than teaching us how to recognise/shoot deer.Even though I had shot deer on a professional basis for 15 years before I took the course I still found it useful learned a few new skills and made some great friends and had a bloody good laugh, all up well worth the few pounds the course cost :thumbs:


Hi not really against it just cant beleave the cost & how its run over a 4 day course for what it is. I did mine on a 1 day course & just past the 50 question air due to never seen a wild muntjac or CWD & same with the 30 visual questions lost with what i havent seen. I am a person with vast deer experiance aswell hence the shooting never vazed me. Cant knock meetting new friends out of it & feel it is ok 4 days for novice but it is more than do able in 1 day. I have done a handful of level 2's also in my time even helped our own Mr foxhunter complete his level 2 & im sure he could tell you i know deer cheers.

Edited by v-max
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Hi Vmax I agree for professionals or people with a proven experience then a 1 day course is by far enough and it is soon apparent on the course who knows their deer and who doesn't I didn't think the cost when I took it was bad and the estate paid anyway I think it was £280 for the 4 days including the range day but that was a while ago.I do think it is a good idea for newbies to take the course as it does make them think about what they are doing rather than just getting out there and shooting but it most definitely should not be compulsory :thumbs:

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Well I was going to do just the one day course but very very experienced stalkers who have doen level 1 and Deer managers course said even though I have been stalking enough to pass the course do the full course. Glad I did as my course was full of folk who did the one day course and taking resits,same went for my mates when they did there course, loads of resits on theirs too....I learn alot lots on my course though was also able to sift through some of the total tosh they were trying to teach that I knew was wrong. It alos amazes me the amount of folk who scoff at the course....some I know practice both wrong and dangerous practices.

I was going to do my level 2 but advised by AWs if you have your own land dont bother, it wont benifit you.

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If you have experiance then you should do a 1 day course & get the cd rom & learn at home. This 3-4 day courses are a rip off but are for complete novice with little or no experiance so most of the cost is in training over the 2-3days & i cant beleave people spend that amount of money doing it fools & money are easily parted.

i,ve just done my dsc 1 about 3 weeks ago, i was the only one with no stalking experience(some 30 plus years). in a mock visual test i was the only one to pass and one person scored 6 out of 20 so i think it is good for all from novice to pro stalker. i felt i needed to do it for myself but plenty feel they do not need to and thats fair play. cost me £245 the course ran for 5 weeks fri nights sat afternoons.(plenty of time to take it all in) if your new to it go for it if your happy with cost, if an old hand well if its not broke why fix it. well thats my 2 penneth. stav p.s. before i started course i thought there was only 3 species of deer lol

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  On 19/03/2011 at 17:56, wboulter said:

were can i get a cd from any idea

check out ebay Item number: 330537219263. done mine 3 years ago with dave stretton , great bloke really takes you through it . advice practise and revise, and more practise and more revise , you will weep the rewards on the course if you do so .


all the best :thumbs:

Edited by DERBOY
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