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Dont know your age but try to imagine trying to explain to someone everything they need to know about learning to drive a car well and safely on an internet forum.. and supposing I dont hold the wheel the same was as say Jasper?? How will you know as a beginner if it matters or not?

So... a mentor is got as your driving instructor. Someone with experience and someone you trust and like and someone to teach you. Dont cherry pick ideas stick to one method. Books will help you with other aspects and tips like your highway code book and always be a good reference but a real person with a proven success rate will give you the knowledge of not only caring for but the maintenance & fieldcraft skills you will also need.

Just my opinion.. ;)

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Dont know your age but try to imagine trying to explain to someone everything they need to know about learning to drive a car well and safely on an internet forum.. and supposing I dont hold the wheel the same was as say Jasper?? How will you know as a beginner if it matters or not?

So... a mentor is got as your driving instructor. Someone with experience and someone you trust and like and someone to teach you. Dont cherry pick ideas stick to one method. Books will help you with other aspects and tips like your highway code book and always be a good reference but a real person with a proven success rate will give you the knowledge of not only caring for but the maintenance & fieldcraft skills you will also need.

Just my opinion.. ;)

top reply kat, its only easy if you have the knowledge already, if you havent, dont try it on your own, get a mentor and dont get a bird before getting telem!

atb bullet

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