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i was told to join here to track the infamous mark brick ,got more names than a phone book.yet again he upsets the apple cart ,talking about things he knows nothing about.Again this guy has been on every hunting site available and has upset a lot of folk.Even the lads who have been with him have finally seen his true colours.this hear hairy bush is 100% him and he will terminate this account he is on .Then start a fresh 1 .Just so he can argue or but in to another one of these lads topics.with bottles of red wine the guy will come back with some pathetic out of this world krypton factor bullshit answer, that will leave you confused ,because he has,nt a clue himself what he is on about. :thumbs:also i believe the sales of blonde hair dye has went through the roof down cornwall. :toast::laugh:

another childish reply,

what is this to do with foxes?????

for fucks sake grow up and grow some balls if he pisses you of so much go and see him iam sure he will accomadate you :thumbs:


he would ring the police so he is a GRASS [bANNED TEXT] GOES AROUND COMES AROUND

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Runforyourlife i will tell you why lads want that many numbers in a night, and am not on about doubled up! its about testing your dog, so whats the problem with that? better than having a fat bull

Wats the big deal about killing large numbers of quarry you cannot eat or sell????????

RFYL do you know these lads personally?? Im pretty sure they very rarely smash gates and drive across fields they much prefer to call a fox in.   As for mullering all the foxes these lads put the m

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i was told to join here to track the infamous mark brick ,got more names than a phone book.yet again he upsets the apple cart ,talking about things he knows nothing about.Again this guy has been on every hunting site available and has upset a lot of folk.Even the lads who have been with him have finally seen his true colours.this hear hairy bush is 100% him and he will terminate this account he is on .Then start a fresh 1 .Just so he can argue or but in to another one of these lads topics.with bottles of red wine the guy will come back with some pathetic out of this world krypton factor bullshit answer, that will leave you confused ,because he has,nt a clue himself what he is on about. :thumbs:also i believe the sales of blonde hair dye has went through the roof down cornwall. :toast::laugh:

another childish reply,

what is this to do with foxes?????

for fucks sake grow up and grow some balls if he pisses you of so much go and see him iam sure he will accomadate you :thumbs:


he would ring the police so he is a GRASS [bANNED TEXT] GOES AROUND COMES AROUND



NAME.........................THE GRASS..............!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oi you :p when we went out, mine was the fox catcher, and yours the bunny catcher :D


Fair enough, you did breed mine, so you can take some credit :D




Haha who mentioned you :laugh: That was a little while ago and that was with the ol collie x who jacks single handed :laugh::doh:


I was talking about the bull x's :gunsmilie::laugh:



We shall have to arrange another trip out in the future :thumbs:

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From what I read about this marbrick an what I've heard. The man is obsessed with his likkle rabbiting bitch, that yapps at fox. Why play games your nothin but a fat SLIM SHADY looking nob head. I've heard stories about this Kat how it got embarrassed by a dog of unknown breeding out of a shelter that wouldny run a rabbit unless it was squated. Bitch can't be that good.


Anyway enjoy your rabbits an keep leaving the big stuff for us big boys. Peace out fat slim.

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Willow stop talking about mb,where starting to think you fancy him :thumbs:

12 pages on shite again

mb this mb that truth is hes no fooking grass willow is spouting shite as usuall,if he doesnt get his own way he goes around rallying a few idiots and making rumours up about people,as most know on here,


in the last week mbs daughter willow has attacked,

said mb a grass.

said mb gay :laugh:

and just spouted general shite,

he used to be samet sam the man who threatens people......move on it sounds like you know each other and we are told its all because he wouldnt let you go hunting with him and breed his bitch over your dog and desided to use a better dog,

just go and see him iam sure hes judging a few shows this year so do to him as you did to gary colefield but make sure mark hes not got his hands full and surronded by kids like you did at peterborough show :thumbs:

before i pass comment on this subject i would like to say

that i have no reason to stick up for willow or try to defend him

other than i know how low MB/DARKLORD can be,the above comments are

typical of the man and the levels he will stoop to, ive have no doubt

that all the above comment are fabricated (apart from gay and grass)

the man has no morals, even to the point of using his daughter

to gain PITTY!!

the reason i state this man is a grass is because that is exactly

what he is,,,me and him fell out and he arranged to meet me on

a pub car park to sort this shit out man to man, but being the coward he is

he didnt turn up,,, so i told the man exactly what i thought of him

by text,,,,only for him to contact my work to try and get me the sack,

he passed on all the texts i had sent him from my company phone,

and said i had been threatening him and abusing him,,well i

surpose this is true, but to try and get a man sacked over a petty

squabble is pathetic in my eye's?????? the man is beyond any type of

human being i have ever had the miss-fortune to meet...now i know he will

make some bullshit story up about this but the facts are, i have the text's he sent

me bragging that he had gone to my work,,, he also sent the text to other

poeple off here, quite proud of the fact he was going to get me the sack..

luckilly for me my company saw him for what he is (A GRASS!!!!) and didnt

take any notice,,,, hope this exlains my total dii=sslike for this man???



chimp......he sent pic's into LACS (league against cruel sports) of

lads that had been down to his house, pictures of the lads and there dog's

with certain dead animals, then made out other lads had done it,

he even named names on another site of the blokes responsible

and they where off here...... the thing is the names he gave where

one of the many names he uses (he is that thick)

so for the above reasons this is why i only refair to this man as..


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