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Childhood mischeif

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joyriding, happy slapping, playing truant, shoplifting, oh no sorry thought thats what i do now

You are possible the most vulgar person I've ever had the displeasure of communicating with .

all youse old folk arnt that diffrent to what we do now we still do all these things but one of the favourites now are robbing the metal dust caps off peoples cars and getting chase im 15 and dont do

done most of the things mentioned used to go down allotments pinching pea pods goose berries till we got caught and got a good slapping still see the blokes that caught us today and still have agood laugh went to the vicarage to pinch apples one day so we all climbed over the wall filling wor jumpers with rosy red apples vicar shouts hey you lot such a scatter for the wall he grabbed me buy the foot and pulled me shoe off the only way you get this back is if your parents come for it another one was we used to go to the building site find a bucket of putty put 2or3 bangers in a hand full of putty stick it on the windows and smash the glass just devilment still used to get the belt over me arse but it never done me any harm happy days miss them so much

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